Alien ALR-F800 Configuración Wi-Fi
Navegue en línea o descargue pdf Configuración Wi-Fi para Lector de tarjetas Alien ALR-F800. Alien ALR-F800 6 páginas.

Alien ALR-F800 readers support network connections using an optional Wi-Fi USB adapter.
The following application note contains detailed instructions on how to configure the reader
in order to establish a Wi-Fi connection.
Minimum Reader Firmware Requirements
reader firmware version (ReaderVersion) 17.07.17
The Wi-Fi interface control and configuration is implemented using the Alien Reader
Protocol (ARP) service command interface: service wifi OPTIONS
In most cases a minimum set of commands is required to configure the reader and establish
a Wi-Fi connection. For more advanced configuration options refer to the output of the Alien
service wifi help conf command.
once the reader Wi-Fi settings are properly configured and the Alien wifi service is
enabled, the reader will automatically try to connect to a Wi-Fi network on boot
both Ethernet and Wi-Fi connections can be active simultaneously but only one ARP
network connection to the reader can be established at a time (using either interface)
if DHCP mode is enabled for the Wi-Fi interface but the reader fails to obtain an IP
address from the wireless router, the Wi-Fi interface will be initialized using a failover
IP address
ALR-F800 Wi-Fi Setup