ATTACK PZO 120 Petunjuk Penggunaan Manual - Halaman 9

Jelajahi secara online atau unduh pdf Petunjuk Penggunaan Manual untuk Pemanas Air ATTACK PZO 120. ATTACK PZO 120 12 halaman. Direct heated gas tanks for d.h.w


Smell of fume after ignition of the storage tank is not a defect or anything unusual. It is just a
result of possible burning out of oil deposit on metal parts of the tank and the smell will stop in
a short time.


This can be sensed in case of expansion of metal parts when heating and cooling down


The storage tank is equipped with an emergency thermostat which in case of failure of
regulation thermostat followed by higher temperature in the tank closes gas supply to main
and ignition burners. If both the burners go off, it is necessary to wait until water in the tank
cools down under 40°C and then relight the ignition flame again. If it is not possible to put the
storage tank to operation again, service must be called immediately.


 Periodical maintenance is important to make the storage tank reliable. User is
recommended to sign a contract with a service company on regular checks and
maintenance of the storage tank which can prolong life and ensures operation without
 To make repairs and maintenance possible and easy, there must be free approach to the
storage tank. Air supply must not be limited.
 The storage tank should be cleaned of dust and can not be covered by towels, rags and other
flammable materials. Outside coat can be cleaned with a rag soaked with soapy water and
dried with a towel.
 If in the room, where the storage tank is located, some works concerning to change of
surroundings are done, all the storage tank including ignition flame must be put out of
 When the storage tank is off and the outside temperature drops under 0°C, water must be
released from the tank.
 If the storage tank is put out of operation for a longer time (2 weeks and more) including
ignition burner, hydrogen, that is highly incombustible, can be released from hot water
distribution. When putting the tank back to operation, we recommend to open hot water
taps for several minutes.
 If hydrogen release occurs, during water running some strange noise can be heard. When
the noise stops, the burner can be ignited and there will be no danger of spontaneous