AKO 227.0420 Series Petunjuk Pemasangan dan Servis - Halaman 9

Jelajahi secara online atau unduh pdf Petunjuk Pemasangan dan Servis untuk Termostat AKO 227.0420 Series. AKO 227.0420 Series 10 halaman. Temperature regulator selfactuated, three-way temperature regulator with interior thermostat, balanced, with flange connections

AKO 227.0420 Series Petunjuk Pemasangan dan Servis
Mounting and Servicing Instructions
AKO Temperature Regulator selfactuated

10. Service and Maintenance

AKO temperature valves are virtually maintenance free. However, if the medium
contains pollutants or deposits occur in the control valve, it may be necessary to clean the
control valve at large intervals.
Please check from time to time in order to recognize any possible malfunction.

11. Fault detective and corrective

In case of mal function it has to be checked, if installation and setting have been
executed according to this operations manual.
Reasons for control temperature exceeds being too high
-thermostats soiled, limed up or sticking
(clean valve and replace sealing kit)
-radiator capacity too low
(clean radiator and check cooling capacity)
-temperature range of thermostats too high
(fit thermostats with appropriate set point)
-heat source supplies too much heat, control valve underdimensioned
(recalculate dimensioning of control valve)
-pressure loss of cooler too high
(reduce pressure difference between port B and C)
Reasons for control temperature being too low
-the temperature range of the thermostats is too low
(fit thermostats with appropriate set point)
-heat source supplies to few heat, control valve overdimensioned
(recalculate dimensioning of control valve)
-control valve installed incorrectly. Ports B and C inverted. At low temperatures the
complete flow of coolant runs through the cooler.
(correct installation of the valve)
-thermostats have been overheated, sliders of the thermostats do not close properly
(replace thermostat)

12. Exchanging a thermostat

When repairing the following points must be overserved:
pressureless pipe system
medium must be cool
plant must be drained
purge piping systems in case of caustic, inflammable, aggressive or toxic media
12.1 Removing of the thermostat
- lock all pipes leading to the control valve, release remaining pressure
- open valve cover bolts M8 (pos.5) and remove valve cover (pos.2)
- extract thermostat (pos.4)
- check inside of valve body for soils and clean if necessary.
- check condition and proper seating of the thermostat slider.
- check and replace flat seal (pos.7) in the guiding ring (pos.3) and the o-ring (pos.6)
Friedrich-Sertürner-Straße 14 • D-51377 Leverkusen • Tel.: +49 (0) 214 / 840599-0 • Fax: +49 (0) 214 / 840599-29
AKO Regelungstechnik GmbH & Co KG
eMail: [email protected] • Web: http://www.ako-regelungstechnik.de