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おもちゃ GREAT PLANES J-3 ElectriCubのPDF 取扱説明書をオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。GREAT PLANES J-3 ElectriCub 20 ページ。 Electric sport-scale arf

GREAT PLANES J-3 ElectriCub 取扱説明書
some hobby shops also sell it by the foot. If only a small piece
of MonoKote film is needed for a minor patch, perhaps a fellow
modeler would give you some. MonoKote film is applied with
a model airplane covering iron, but in an emergency a regular
clothing iron could be used. A roll of MonoKote film includes
full instructions for application. Following is the color used on
this model and the order number for a six foot roll.
Cub Yellow – TOPQ0220
The stabilizer and wing incidences and motor thrust
angles have been factory-built into this model. However, some
technically minded modelers may wish to check these
measurements anyway. To view this information, visit the web
site at www.greatplanes.com and click on "Technical Data."
Due to manufacturing tolerances which will have little or no
Replacement parts for the Great Planes Mini Cub ARF are available using the order numbers in the Replacement Parts List that
follows. The fastest, most economical service can be provided by your hobby dealer or mail-order company. Parts may also be ordered
directly from Hobby Services, but full retail prices and shipping and handling charges will apply. Illinois and Nevada residents will also
be charged sales tax.
To locate a hobby dealer, visit the Hobbico web site at www.hobbico.com . Choose "Where to Buy" at the bottom of the menu on
the left side of the page. Follow the instructions provided on the page to locate a U.S., Canadian or International dealer. If a hobby shop
is not available, replacement parts may also be ordered from Tower Hobbies at www.towerhobbies.com , or by calling toll free
(800) 637-6050, or from Hobby Services by calling (217) 398-0007, or via facsimile at (217) 398-7721. If ordering via fax, include a Visa
or MasterCard number and expiration date for payment.
Mail parts orders and payments by personal check or money order to: Hobby Services, 3002 N Apollo Drive, Suite 1, Champaign, IL, 61822
Be certain to specify the order number exactly as listed in the Replacement Parts List. Payment by credit card or personal check
only; no C.O.D.
If additional assistance is required for any reason, contact Product Support by e-mail at [email protected] , or by
telephone at (217) 398-8970.


Order Number
effect on the way your model will fly, please expect slight
deviations between your model and the published values.


Replacement Parts List
Missing pieces .......................Contact Product Support
Instruction manual .................Contact Product Support
Full-size plans........................Not available
Wing Set
Tail Set
Landing Gear
Gear Drive
Speed Control
Fuse = Fuselage
Stab = Horizontal Stabilizer
Fin = Vertical Fin
LE = Leading Edge
TE = Trailing Edge
LG = Landing Gear
" = Inches
mm = millimeters
How to Purchase
Contact Your Hobby
Supplier to Purchase
These Items