- ページ 15

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To Truck
To Clamp
Figure 4-4, Jumper Line Setup
3. Install the hoses from the truck to the attachment.
For specific hydraulic schematics and installation
information, please see your serial number specific
installation, maintenance and service manual, avail-
able online in the Manuals and Publications tab at
4. Install the lines from the truck's hydraulics to the
hydraulics of the attachment.
5. Inspect installation to ensure hoses are not kinked or
pinched between the truck carriage and attachment.
6. Operate the attachment continuously for several
minutes to determine that all hydraulic connections
are secure with no leaks.
7. With the mast in the vertical position, run the attach-
ment to the limit of all operations. After this procedure,
check that the truck's hydraulic reservoir oil level is at
the recommended level.
45-015, REV. 9/21
8. Before placing the attachment in operation inspect all
hoses and fittings for leaks and routing clearance. Be
sure to include clearance of jumper hoses to the mast.
Check the valve and cylinder for leaks, and check
cotter pins at each end of the cylinder for security.
9. After completing the installation, operate the attach-
ment without a load for several cycles to remove any
air in the hydraulic system. Test the attachment with a
load to make sure the attachment operates correctly.
Equipment damage hazard.
E q u i p m e n t d a m ag e , p e r fo r m a n c e
reduction, personal injury and/or loss of
warranty could result if any alterations are
made to the original attachment.
Consult with factory before altering
original equipment.