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スイッチ Dell PowerConnect J-EX8200のPDF リリースノートをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Dell PowerConnect J-EX8200 14 ページ。 Release notes junos version 10.2

Dell PowerConnect J-EX8200 リリースノート
JUNOS 10.2 Software Release Notes
Related Topics

Limitations in JUNOS Release 10.2 for J-EX Series Switches

show lldp neighbors
number of times the neighbor information has been deleted from the LLDP
information maintained by the local system because the information timeliness
interval has expired.
show lldp
show lldp local-information
commands now display the parent aggregated Ethernet interface, if any,
to which a local interface belongs.


On J-EX Series switches, the
hierarchy is now supported, allowing explicit configuration of SIP server addresses for
DHCP servers.
As a result of the enhancements to power management in JUNOS Release 10.2, a line
card that has been taken offline is not automatically brought online when you commit
a configuration, as was true in previous releases. When a line card is taken offline,
power management no longer allocates power to the line card. To bring a line card
online, you must explicitly bring the line card online with the
command or with the
slot-number online

Layer 2 and Layer 3 Protocols

J-EX Series switches now support the
option is not available in the
supported on J-EX Series switches.

User Interface and Configuration

On J-EX4200 switches, the
and the
request system power-off both-routing-engines
If you enable PIM on all interfaces using the
on the
interfaces by default. Therefore you do not need to explicitly
disable PIM on the management interfaces. Previously, enabling PIM on all interfaces
caused it to be enabled on these management interfaces.
New Features in JUNOS Release 10.2 for J-EX Series Switches on page 3
Limitations in JUNOS Release 10.2 for J-EX Series Switches on page 6
Outstanding Issues in JUNOS Release 10.2 for J-EX Series Switches on page 9
This section lists the limitations in JUNOS Release 10.2R1 for J-EX Series switches.

Access Control and Port Security

When you have configured more than 1024 supplicants on a single interface, 802.1X
authentication might not work as expected and the 802.1X process (
command now includes the ageout count, which is the
show lldp neighbors
statement in the
set chassis fpc slot-number power on
show multicast rpf instance instance-name
show pfe route
command because it is not
request system power-off other-routing-engine
interface all
, and
show lldp
[edit system services dhcp]
request chassis fpc slot
command are disabled.
command, it is not enabled
) might fail.