- ページ 16

ウォーター・ディスペンサー AQUAPHOR S550のPDF 操作マニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。AQUAPHOR S550 20 ページ。

AQUAPHOR S550 操作マニュアル


Probable Cause
No soft water output after softener regeneration
There is no salt in the brine tank
Solids in the brine tank clogged the brine line, brine
valve, air check valve or injector
Clogged or improperly installed brine line flow restrictor
Drain line kinked, frozen, or clogged
Clogged injector
A salt bridge has formed (appearance of salt) in the salt
compartment due to high humidity or the use of the
wrong type of salt
No soft water at softener outlet
Bypass valve is in Bypass position or deviated from
Service position
The device is connected to the water supply
in the opposite direction
Prolonged power failure
Lack of accounting for water consumption
The composition of the source water has changed
Source water is mixed with purified
Sensor registers water flow when water is not flowing
Water leak after softener
No indication on the display
Power wire not connected
No mains power
Faulty power supply
Faulty controller
High ambient temperature. At air temperature +38 °C or
higher, the display will not show characters. The
functionality of the controller is preserved
The device does not exit the regeneration mode
Controller incorrectly installed
Defective magnetic arm
Foreign object in control valve mechanism
The control valve is out of order, the engine is running
Add salt
Dismantle the brine line together with the air cut-off
valve Air check. Rinse them with clean water.
Clean brine valve and injector. Remove impurities from
the salt tank
Dismantle the brine valve, clean and properly install the
salt flow restrictor
Straighten the line, let it thaw or clean it
Remove the injector cap, clean the nozzle with a wooden
toothpick. Reinstall the removed items
Try to break the crust with a blunt object, you can use
hot water. Add salt if there was none. Use only high
quality granular or tablet salt
Set bypass valve to normal operation. Service
Check if the device is connected correctly
Reset the current time
See if the water consumption indicator on the softener
works when the water is being drawn. If not, see below.
Explore the water, make changes to the settings
according to the new data
Make sure that there is no admixture of the source water
Fix the leak
Connect the power supply
Check for power at the outlet.
Check the power supply with a voltmeter. Should be 12
VAC. If the voltage is less than 10 VAC, check the voltage
at the 220 VAC outlet
If 12 VAC is being supplied to the controller, replace the
No option but to lower the temperature
Make sure the controller is fixed on the screw mechanism
cover correctly
Replace magnetic arm
Disassemble valve, remove foreign object
Repair or replace control valve