X IV : Using low-power radio-frequency motors shall not affect flight
safety and interfere with legal communications; when there is
interference by the discovery should be immediately suspended,
and to im prove without interfering may continue to be used. Legal
com m unications in the preceding paragraph,
refers to radio communication in accordance with the provisions of the
Telecommunications Act of operation. Low-power radio communication
interference motor must endure radiation and Electronic E quipment
legal or industrial, scientific and medical radio.
• Battery recycle.
• Importer. Netherlands Business Associates Ltd. Taiwan Branch 5th
Floor, No 89, Sec. 2, Dibing Avenue, Neihu District, Taipei. Importer,
M anufacturers, Wholesalers, Retailers 0800-000-702
• Storage (w/SDcard). B uilt-in main m em ory capacity: GB ;
m inim um main mem ory available to users: GB ; expandable
m em ory card support: GB or less.
• Storag e (no SDcard). B uilt-in m ain memory capacity: GB;
m inim um main m em ory available to users: GB ; your phone does
not support an expandable m emory card
• Turbo charging. The product supports fast charging : Adapter Brand
nam e, A dapter M odel name, the fast charging mode is XVdc/X.XA ;
and the norm al charging mode is X Vdc/X .X A.
• PWS reception. When S IM1 and S IM 2 cards are in use, only 4G
function will display the PWS reception function normally.
Thailand licensed devices.
RoHS statement. RoHS com pliant as per India E-waste