Figure No. 2
9.5 Cleaning of the fan case
The fan case shall be cleaned twice a year or after having spent about
700kg of pellets.
The fan is located in the bottom part of the stove under the hopper.
1. It is necessary to remove the lower cover and then the cover of the
opening for cleaning
2. Vacuum clean accumulated dust from the fan case taking care not to
damage the propellers.
3. Return all parts in place in a reverse order.
9.6 Cleaning of flue pipes
It is necessary to periodically inspect and clean the flue pipe joints.
The accumulated dust and ash in flue pipe joints may have a negative
impact on the stove operation and pose a safety risk.
9.7 Hoper cleaning
Do not load pellets unless you have vacuum cleaned the residues of
the previously used pellet quantities (dust, dust, fine pellet waste, etc.)
Figure No. 5
Figure No. 3
Figure No. 4
Figure No. 6