Dell PowerVault DX6104 사용자 설명서 - 페이지 17
{카테고리_이름} Dell PowerVault DX6104에 대한 사용자 설명서을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. Dell PowerVault DX6104 39 페이지. Dx object storage platform
Dell PowerVault DX6104에 대해서도 마찬가지입니다: 시작하기 매뉴얼 (8 페이지), 시작하기 매뉴얼 (10 페이지), 매뉴얼 (37 페이지), 릴리스 노트 (16 페이지), 매뉴얼 (12 페이지), 매뉴얼 (24 페이지), 매뉴얼 (23 페이지)

Filter if header or lifepoint contains a string
Filter if header or lifepoint matches a string
10. To add the selected criterion, click Add.
To add the inverted logic of the selected criterion, click Add inverted.
For example, if you select to filter a stream that is older than date 01/01/2000 12:00:00 and click Add
Inverted, the criterion will be added as not olderThan ('Sat Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2000'), with 'not' in the
11. In the filter editor frame, click Apply, to apply the properties to the selected filter node.
12. In the Editor screen, click Save.
NOTE: When you save the selected rule set, CRRC creates a backup file of the current rules.xml at /etc/
caringo/contentrouter/. The backup file is named using a prefix of rules and the current date/time using the
format MMddyyyy_HHmmss where dd=day, MM=month, yyyy=year, HH=hour, mm= minute, ss=second (for
example, rules_10082011_123356.xml).
NOTE: If you select Modify current rule set in the Home screen, the Validate button is displayed. To view the
Validation report, click Validate. The validation report generates a report of any errors or warnings in the rule
set in the rules.xml file. To save the validation report as a text file, click Save as text.
Troubleshooting The Dell DX Content Router Rules Configurator (CRRC)
If problems are experienced with the CRRC application, verify the following:
Ensure that the rpm is correctly installed. Run the # rpm -q -a|grep crrc command to determine the
current version of the package name. The current version of the package must be 1.0.0 or higher.
NOTE: The RPM Package Manager (rpm) is a command line driven package management system used in
many Linux distributions, such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise, and CentOS.
Ensure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the correct path by running the echo $JAVA_HOME
command. The path needs to be set to the correct JRE or JDK installation directory (for example, /opt/dell/crrc/
jre1.6.0_25). Do not use a forward slash at the end of the navigation path.
If you log out of a Linux system, JAVA_HOME will be reset. Ensure that JAVA_HOME is set to the correct JRE or
JDK installation directory after logging on (for example, /opt/dell/crrc/jre1.6.0_25).
If the CRRC application is not starting, ensure that the:
war-rules.dtd exists at /etc/caringo/contentrouter
rules.xml file content is properly formatted (for example, there are no missing tags).
Restart the Content Router Publisher Service by running the following command:
/etc/init.d/cr-publisher restart
If the problem persists, see
Adding Additional DX Storage Nodes
Before setting up the DX Storage Node, locate the
DX6104-SN, or DX6112-SN system. Unpack and set up the DX platform hardware.
To set up the DX Storage Node hardware:
Rack and cable the DX Storage system.
Turn on the Storage Node.
Enable capacity in the DX Cluster Services console.
Getting Started Guide shipped with your Dell DX6004S, DX6012S,