Cisco ASA 5506-X 소프트웨어 설명서 - 페이지 25

{카테고리_이름} Cisco ASA 5506-X에 대한 소프트웨어 설명서을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. Cisco ASA 5506-X 37 페이지. Threat defense reimage guide
Cisco ASA 5506-X에 대해서도 마찬가지입니다: 빠른 시작 매뉴얼 (10 페이지), 빠른 시작 매뉴얼 (14 페이지), 간편한 설정 매뉴얼 (11 페이지), 마운트 및 연결 (12 페이지), 설치 매뉴얼 (46 페이지), 섀시 마운트 (10 페이지), 하드웨어 설치 매뉴얼 (26 페이지)

Cisco ASA 5506-X 소프트웨어 설명서
Cisco ASA and Firepower Threat Defense Reimage Guide
About to erase the selected device, this will erase
all files including configuration, and images.
Continue with erase? y/n [n]: y
Erasing Disk0:
This step erases the old FTD boot and system images. If you do not erase the system image, you must remember
to escape out of the boot process after you load the boot image in the next step; if you miss the escape window,
the FTD will continue to load the old FTD system image, which can take a long time, and you will have to
start the procedure over again.
Step 6
Set the network settings, and load the new boot image using the following ROMMON commands:
interface interface_id
address management_ip_address
netmask subnet_mask
server tftp_ip_address
gateway gateway_ip_address
file path/filename
The Firepower Threat Defense boot image downloads and boots up to the boot CLI.
See the following information:
• interface—(ASA 5512-X, 5515-X, 5525-X, 5545-X, and 5555-X only) Specifies the interface ID. Other
models always use the Management 1/1 interface.
• set—Shows the network settings. You can also use the ping command to verify connectivity to the server.
• sync—Saves the network settings.
• tftpdnld—Loads the boot image..
Example for the ASA 5555-X:
rommon 0 > interface gigabitethernet0/0
If you did not erase the disk in the previous step, then you need to press Esc to enter the boot CLI:
Use ESC to interrupt boot and launch boot CLI.
Use SPACE to launch Cisco FTD immediately.
Cisco FTD launch in 24 seconds ...
Launching boot CLI ...
Reimage the Firepower Threat Defense Device
Cisco ASA and Firepower Threat Defense Reimage Guide