Active Thermal Management 3E Installation Instructions - Page 2
Browse online or download pdf Installation Instructions for Fan Active Thermal Management 3E. Active Thermal Management 3E 4 pages.
Typical systems might have a shelf in the enclosure. Locating the intake fan low on one side of the rear panel
and the exhaust fan high on the other side, with a generous (5" - 6") hole cut in the center of the shelf allows
room air to enter on the first level, cool a receiver or amplifier sitting above or below the shelf, and exit on the
second level. (A large chase behind the shelves might keep this from working effectively if it allows the air to
flow behind, rather than over, the hot equipment.) Similarly, when a side panel of a cabinet is exposed (that is,
it's not up against a fireplace or wall!) air can be brought in low on one side and exhausted high on the opposite
side, or at the rear. Some possible fan mounting locations are shown in the following diagrams.
If there are substantially empty cabinets to either side of the equipment cabinet, air can be brought in or
exhausted through them... Do not, however, attempt to move air through grille cloth. The System 3 fans are
not powerful enough to overcome the resistance of even porous cloth; more importantly, the dust that will soon
accumulate in the cloth will cause a discoloration that is certain to cause complaints from the client. (We
discourage the practice of moving air through cloth of any kind, even when using the Active Thermal
Management System 1, an extraordinarily powerful air mover; the cloth will sag and stretch out of shape AND
become discolored.)
25570 Rye Canyon Rd. Suite D
Valencia, CA 91355
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