Dell PowerVault LTO-3-060 User Manual - Page 16

Browse online or download pdf User Manual for Storage Dell PowerVault LTO-3-060. Dell PowerVault LTO-3-060 37 pages. Powervault tape systems
Also for Dell PowerVault LTO-3-060: Setup (2 pages), Handbook (28 pages)

Dell PowerVault LTO-3-060 User Manual

Installation Procedures

1. Make sure that you are logged on to the host server or workstation with Administrator privileges.
2. Insert the Dell PowerVault LTO3-060 Drive Support CD into the CD drive on the host server or workstation.
3. Right-click the My Computer icon on the Windows desktop, click Manage, then click Device Manager. The tape drive should be listed under the ? Other
Devices item as IBM Ultrium-HH3 SCSI Sequential Device.
4. Right-click the IBM Ultrium-HH3 SCSI Sequential Device listing, click Uninstall, and then click OK to confirm that you want to remove the device.
5. Right-click the topmost item in the menu structure in the right half of the Computer Management window. A pop-up window displays.
6. Click Scan for Hardware Changes. Windows 2003 now scans for the Dell PowerVault LTO3-060 drive. (If a wizard pops up at this point, cancel the wizard.
It will be used later.) The tape drive appears under ? Other Devices again. If the tape drive is not visible, you may have to hit the plus sign ("+") in front of ?
Other Devices to make it appear.
7. Right-click the IBM Ultrium-HH3 SCSI Sequential Device listing and click Properties.
8. Click the Reinstall Driver button. (If the Reinstall Driver button is not visible, you may have to click the Driver tab, then Update driver.)
9. The Upgrade Device Driver Wizard appears.
10. Click the Install from List or Specific Location radio button.
11. Click the Next button.
12. Click Include this location in the search.
13. Type the driver name in the directory field, replacing d: with the drive letter for the CD drive into which you inserted the support CD and click the Next button.
Driver names are as follows:
1. Windows 2003 32 bit: d:\Drivers\Windows 2000, 2003 32bit x86\dtapeW32.inf
2. Windows 2003 x64: d:\Drivers\Windows 2003 x64\dtapex64.inf
14. You may have to click Continue to bypass a warning.
15. Click Finish.
16. Close the Device Properties dialog box.
17. The drive now appears in Device Manager under Tape Drives and is ready to use.
Verifying Drive Operation
Once you have installed the drive hardware, you should verify that it is functioning properly before you store your valuable data. Turn on the system. The tape drive
LEDs will blink indicating that a POST (Power-on Self Test) is running to check the drive hardware:
All four LED's will be lit for 2.0 seconds
All LEDs will go off except for ready which will begin flashing slowly
The ready LED will stop flashing and turn on solid indicating that the POST has completed successfully.
Verify that the tape drive installation was successful. Following the instructions given with your Tape Backup Software application, write test data to a tape, read the
test data from the tape and compare the data read from the tape with the original data on disk.
The tape drive will run its POST which checks all hardware except for the drive head. The single-character display will present a series of random characters, then
become blank (not lit). The status light will briefly become solid amber, then become solid green.
Verify that the tape drive installation was successful. Following the instructions given with your Tape Backup Software application, write test data to a tape, read the
test data from the tape and compare the data read from the tape with the original data on disk.
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