Arcade Orbit Overwatch Drone User Manual - Page 5

Browse online or download pdf User Manual for Drones Arcade Orbit Overwatch Drone. Arcade Orbit Overwatch Drone 11 pages.

Basic flight controls

Left spin/Right spin
Leftward fly/Rightward fly
Note: When the Drone's LED indicators (3) begin to flash, it is indicating that the battery is running low. You should fly
the Drone back to where you are and land as soon as possible. The Drone will automatically begin to descend, so
ensure you give you direct the Drone to a safe place to land.

Trimming the Drone

Sometimes you will find the Drone will start to drift in a particular direction of its own accord. To correct this, you can
manually 'trim' the Drone to allow it to adjust its flight.
Below shows you how to rectify the drifting (black arrows indicate drift direction; the white arrows indicate the
corrective trim direction):
Left/Right spin trim
Leftward/Rightward trimming
Forward/Backward trimming

Auto Trim calibration

You can use this to function to reset the Drone. Ensure the Drone is on a level surface before Auto Trimming.
Note: some manual trimming may be required after performing this function. See Trimming the Drone for further
instructions on how to do this manually.
Push both the Left stick (13) and Right stick (29) to the bottom left corners, at the same time. Once the lights stop
flashing, the calibration is complete.

Speed settings

The Orbit Overwatch has 3 different flight speeds to choose from; low, medium and high. To select your desired
speed, press down the Speed button (12). The Controller will then indicate which speed mode you have selected
in the following ways:
Low speed:
The controller will beep once
Medium speed:
The controller will beep twice
High speed:
The controller will beep three times