Arcam AVR20 User Manual - Page 10

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Arcam AVR20 User Manual
AVR10/AVR20/AVR30/AV40 Software Release Notes
Host Version 1v20/09
LCD/IAP 0.53/0.04
DSP1 02.02 / 01.20
DSP2 00.01 / 00.17
OSD 0.03
DAB 303 / 561
NET 0.100.457
BT 0.7 (or higher, depending on build)
Fix list:
IMS21126: 192kHz/96kHz stream played over Qobuz has artefacts
IMS21199: Test tones do not work from web GUI.
IMS21300: Audio artefacts when switching from 192kHZ to 96kHz on Tidal/Qobuz
IMS21314: Input > Mode > Sub stereo has no effect.
IMS21324: Applying stereo downmix to DD+ stream results in breif noise
IMS21335: With front display off, Sub trim and Dolby Volume do not appear with 2nd change.
IMS21346: RS232/IP command 01B returned incorrect detail for some results
IMS21348: RS232/IP command 0x37 returned 0x02 instead of 0x04 when not calculated.
IMS21349: RS232/IP command 0x39 was off by one.
IMS21368: Direct IR mode commands did not work
IMS21380: Audio takes 30seconds to restore after Dirac calibration – notification applied.
IMS21381: Lip sync out if setting via web GUI and then power cycle.
IMS21391: User adjustments to Dirac delays lost if filter toggled off/on.
IMS21408: RS232/IP Engineering menu send invalid response.
IMS21420: Cannot select Dirac EQ from web GUI.
IMS21421: If an input is renamed on the unit, the name was not updated on web GUI.
IMS21429: RS232/IP Command 0x04 Version reports incorrect version
IMS21430: RS232/IP Command 0x06 Save/Restore settings fixed
IMS21432: RS232/IP Command 0x1F corrected.
IMS21446: Requesting Zone1 OSD (0x4E) returns inverted data.
IMS21448: RS232/IP Command 0x24 DAB scan corrected.
IMS21451: Audio compression command 0x41 fixed.
IMS21454: Add response 0x02 to command 0x2B to allow mS in speaker distances.
IMS21455: Command 0x2D did not send ack.
IMS21456: Setup menu commands did not send ack.
IMS21440: RS232/IP command 0x3A range was invalid.
IMS21441: RS232/IP command 0x40 unable to set lipsync.
IMS21448: RS232/IP command 0x24 DAB scan could not be restarted after 1st completion.
IMS21442: RS232/IP command 0x42 could not request incoming video parameters.
IMS21443: RS232/IP command 0x43 could not request incoming audio format.
IMS21444: RS232/IP command 0x44 could not request incoming audio sample rate.
IMS21445: RS232/IP command 0x45 could not set/request sub stereo trim.
IMS21456: RS232/IP menu commands did not send ack.
IMS21457: RS232/IP setting input name did not send unsolicited message.
IMS21458: Unable to select Dirac filter from command 0x28
IMS21460: If no sub, when L/R set to small, sub is not added.
IMS21472: When using NET there is a brief noise when changing mode to DTS Neural:X
IMS21473: Add startup progress bar to allow DSP/Net time to boot
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Arcam, The West Wing, Stirling House, Waterbeach, CB25 9PB, UK