ARGENTO Piuma-S User Manual - Page 17
Browse online or download pdf User Manual for Scooter ARGENTO Piuma-S. ARGENTO Piuma-S 20 pages. Epac bicycle, electric pedal-assisted cycle
Press the M button for at least 2 seconds to enter the LCD display configuration.
Within the display configuration, press the + and - buttons to change the value of
the single parameter, press the M button to move to the next parameter, press the
M button for at least 2 seconds to exit the LCD display configuration.
9.1 Km / Miles
Indicated by the S7 symbol, press the + and - buttons to switch from a Km / h to
MPH display.
9.2 Display backlight
Indicated by the symbol b1, allowed values: 1-5.
9.3 Automatic display switch-off
Indicated by the symbol 0F, allowed values: 0-15.
The values set correspond to the minutes.
If the set value is 0, this function is not activated.
If the imported value is a value between 1 and 15, the display will automatically turn
off after a few minutes.
9.4 Wheel diameter
Indicated by the HD symbol, allowed values: 6-34.
The values set correspond to the inches of the wheel diameter. For your model,
leave the value at 20 otherwise the values shown on the display when using your
bike will not be correct.
9.5 Password - Speed limit
Indicated by the symbol Pd.
Then enter the password "1919" using the + and - buttons, confirm each single
value in the password entered with the M button.
After entering the password correctly, you enter the speed limit parameter indicated
by the SL symbol, allowed values: 10-100.
9.6 Motor parameter
Indicated by the HL symbol, make sure that the value set is number 1.
If a different value is set, anomalies in the speed detected on the display could
The maximum speed allowed by law is 25km / h.
Any interventions not authorized by the manufacturer to the control unit
exclude the manufacturer of any damage caused to people and / or things,
also the warranty on the purchased product is invalidated.
The control unit has been programmed not to allow changes to the maximum
speed parameter.
Maintain a speed and behavior appropriate to your abilities, never use the
bike above 25Km / h as it could cause serious damage and injury to yourself
or other people.
Maximum speed allowed