HighRoller HighHealer Podręcznik użytkownika - Strona 5

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HighRoller HighHealer Podręcznik użytkownika
Cleaning HighHealer: HighHealer can be
cleaned with a wet cloth or under running
water and with mild soap if necessary. Do
not use strong detergents as they may
damage the product. Caution: Place device
firmly on the floor when using. If you have
trouble balancing, stand next to a wall or
rail for support. Check the soapstone pri-
or to use to make sure it is not too hot or
too cold and allow to cool down before
using in order to prevent burns. Do not
place the soapstone in the microwave or
oven due to a potential burn. Disclaimer:
If you have risks of falls do not use this
device standing. Do not use this device
if you have neuropathy or any open skin.
If the device is cracked or broken, do not
use. This device is not intended to be a
substitute for professional medical advice,
diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the
advice of your physician or other qualified
health provider with any questions you
may have regarding a medical condition.
Important notices concerning HighHealer:
Always follow the instructions. Following
the instructions reduces the risk of injuries
or damage. Misuse may lead to injuries.
The product is not meant as a toy for chil-
dren under any circumstances. Always use
and store the HighHealer in-doors in a dry,
room temperature environ-ment and away
from direct sunlight. Before use, make sure
the HighHealer is placed on a flat, non-
slip surface. Always ensure the device is
working as intended before use. If you no-
tice anything wrong, do not begin training.
In such cases, always contact HighRoller
Finland Plc customer service immediate-
ly. Any suggestions regarding the use of
HighHealer mentioned in the user manual
or elsewhere by HighRoller Finland Ltd are
not to be understood as medical or phys-
iological guidance or suggestions. The
purpose of HighHealer is to massage and
train instrict muscles of foot. HighHealer is
meant as an aid to exercise, not as a sub-
stitute for it. The use of HighHealer is com-
pletely up to you, and consulting a doctor
before use may be recommended if you are
unsure whether or not it is suitable for you,
and especially if you have been previously
diagnosed with physical trauma, weakness
or illness or if you are on medication. If you
feel discomfort, dizziness, shortness of
breath, vertigo, unexpected and sharp pain
or anything else unusual during use, stop
using HighHealer immediately and contact
a doctor. Follow your doctor's recommen-
dation regarding the use of HighHealer.
Consult a professional trainer or physio-
therapist regarding the performance of
advanced exercises. HighRoller Finland
Ltd suggests you take responsibility for
using the device and that you know and
can identify your own physical limitations
while using the HighHealer.
HighRoller Finland Ltd takes no respon-
sibility for any use of the HighHealer that
goes against the user manual or any other
misuse. HighRoller Finland Ltd also takes
no responsibility for any direct or in direct
damage, injuries or breakages resulting
from the use of HighHealer. Use of the
product is at the user's own risk. Warranty:
HighHealer comes with a one (1) year war-
ranty starting from the date of purchase.
HighRoller Finland Ltd ensures the device
can withstand normal use. During the war-
ranty period, HighRoller Finland Ltd will
repair a damaged device or replace a bro-
ken one. Please contact the manufactur-
er or dealer with any warranty issues.The
warranty does not cover: 1) normal wear
resulting from the normal use of the de-
vice, such as scratches, dents etc. on the
outside of the device; 2) defects or damage
resulting from the misuse of the device or
from using it in ways not mentioned in the
user manual; 3) defects or damage result-
ing from the user modifying or attempting
to repair the device; 4) defects or damage
resulting from corrosion or rust. For the
warranty to be valid, the user must be able
to provide a dated proof of purchase. High-
Roller Finland Ltd offers no other warranty
for the device apart from what is stated
Manufacturer: HighRoller Finland Ltd