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What has Come Before ...

... my historical account of Perathia collected from the
fragmented historical records discovered and translated over
the last millennia.
Before there was Time, the Ancients set the elements apart
from the void in their own realms. Where there was once
nothing, now were Earth, Air, Water, and Fire. The Ancients then
molded the world from clay, they raised the sky, they drew up
the oceans, they set the sun burning among the stars.
The Ancients then parted the veil of darkness and placed
humans on their world, Perathia. Within the separate Elemental
Realms, the Ancients tasked their servants, the Elemental
Guardians, to watch over the Perathians and allow no harm to
befall them.
But the Ancients began to war among themselves for reasons
we do not understand. In the ensuing chaos, their elemental
servants rose up against their masters. Before the final
cataclysmic battle that destroyed the Ancients, they captured
the souls of the Elemental Guardians and placed each upon a
The last of the Ancients gave the discs to Selden the Wise for
safekeeping. Selden founded the Lore Guardians a millennium
ago to protect these elemental discs. As long as the Lore
Guardians safeguard the discs, the guardians of the elements
are compelled to fulfill the wishes of the Ancients and protect
Five hundred years ago, however, the disc for the element of
death was lost. Although many strange occurrences have
befallen our people, the full meaning of the loss of the death
disc has yet to be properly interpreted by the Lore Guardians.
Today, we Lore Guardians still watch over the remaining discs
left to us by the Ancients.

Prophesy of the Elements

This fragment of text remains one of the few complete
translations we have from ancient times. Some say that Selden
himself wrote it — a warning for all Lore Guardians.
Lamentation and calamity to those who
lose the sacred discs! If gone is Air, then
none shall breathe and noxious vapours
shall foul the land. If gone is Earth, then
fissures shall open and swallow faithful
and heretic alike. If gone is Water, then
the oceans and streams shall turn to
dust. If gone is Fire, then the stars shall
extinguish and all shall grow cold. If
gone is Life, then beast and flower shall
become barren. If gone is Death, then the
shadows shall move of their own accord
and swallow the world.
Many Lore Guardians have scoffed at this prophecy because
when the death disc vanished so many years ago ... our world
remained intact. I have my suspicions, however, that we may
yet suffer misfortunes because of the one missing disc. Indeed,
I cannot look too deeply into the shadows without feeling a
chill creep up my spine.
Should any discs ever vanish, I would certainly make every
effort to recover them and replace them in their right place in
the Temple of the Elements!