Bose Panaray 502A Руководство по установке - Страница 27

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Также для Bose Panaray 502A: Техническая информация (4 страниц), Руководство по установке (12 страниц), Руководство (4 страниц), Руководство по установке (24 страниц)

Bose Panaray 502A Руководство по установке
Point-Source Acoustics (wide vertical coverage)
Panaray 802
Series IV
One of the best-selling sound-
reinforcement loudspeakers
in the world is now in its 4th
generation. The 802 Series IV
loudspeaker features eight
full-range drivers arranged in a
proprietary Articulated Array™
design, delivering broad
coverage, extension down to
50 Hz and natural vocal clarity
– all in a small, lightweight and
weather-resistant enclosure.
• Eight 4.5" full-range drivers
• 52 - 15,000 Hz range
• 120° x 100° coverage pattern
• 123 dB maximum peak SPL
• Indoor or Outdoor
Full-Range Cone-Array Loudspeakers
Panaray 402
Series IV
Panaray 502
The compact enclosure of the
The Panaray
402 Series IV loudspeaker
five full-range drivers that
contains four full-range
deliver the most consistent
drivers arrayed for tighter
coverage pattern versus
vertical coverage. Compared
frequency within the Panaray
to the 802 model, the 402
line. The slightly curved,
delivers similar output level
narrow enclosure has an
and horizontal coverage,
elegant design that blends
but less bass extension. For
with any décor. For speech
smaller venues requiring a
program material, a single
high-value solution, a single
loudspeaker can cover smaller
402 loudspeaker is capable of
venues. Additional subwoofers
covering an entire listening
are required for use with full-
area for accurate speech and
range music content.
music reproduction.
• Four 4.5" full-range drivers
• Five 4.5" full-range drivers
• 73 - 15,000 Hz range
• 103 - 15,000 Hz range
• 120° x 60° coverage pattern
• 120° x 70° coverage pattern
• 119 dB maximum peak SPL
• 117 dB maximum peak SPL
• Indoor or Outdoor
• Indoor only
Column Line Array Acoustics (narrow vertical coverage)
Panaray MA12EX
502 A features
The MA12EX modular line array
loudspeaker builds off of the
popular MA12 version with
articulated arrays to improve
horizontal coverage, increased
low-frequency response, and
weather-rated materials to
allow outdoor installation.
With bass extension down to
75 Hz, the MA12EX loudspeaker
can be used without additional
subwoofers in some types
of full-range music program
• Twelve 2.25" full-range drivers
• 75 - 13,000 Hz range
• 160° x 20° coverage pattern
• 119 dB maximum peak SPL
• Indoor or Outdoor
Sound-Reinforcement Loudspeakers
Panaray MA12
Known for its outstanding
vocal intelligibility in
acoustically demanding
spaces, the Panaray MA12
modular line array loudspeaker
features a full-range
12-element design in a slim
and unobtrusive enclosure.
Multiple units can be vertically
stacked to improve coverage
control and projection
distance. Appropriate for vocal
and light music, or full-music
program with additional
• Twelve 2.25" full-range drivers
• 100 - 16,000 Hz range
• 145° x 20° coverage pattern
• 126 dB maximum peak SPL
• Indoor only