HighPoint RocketRAID 2711 Руководство по установке - Страница 4

Просмотреть онлайн или скачать pdf Руководство по установке для Контроллер HighPoint RocketRAID 2711. HighPoint RocketRAID 2711 19 страниц. With ej6172 device board and data raid

HighPoint RocketRAID 2711 Руководство по установке
Part   2   –   P re-­‐requisite   f or   D ata   R AID   C onfiguration    
Overview   –   T he   R ocketRAID   2 711   s eries   c ontroller   s upport   D ata   R AID   c onfigurations   i nclude   R AID  
0,   1 ,   5 ,   6 ,   1 0   a rrays.   T his   d ocument   w ill   i nclude   t he   i nstallations   s teps   t o   c onfigure   a nd   s etup   y our  
hardware   t o   s upport   D ata   R AID   a rrays.    
The   h ardware   a nd   s oftware   p re-­‐requests   a re   l isted   b elow:    
RocketRAID   2 711   s eries   H BA   w ith   H igh   D ensity   B IOS  
RocketRAID   2 711   s eries   W indows   R AID   d rivers  
Motherboard   w ith   P CI-­‐e   ( 1.0   o r   2 .0)   x 8   o r   x 16   s lot    
Storage   c hassis   w ith   E J6172   S ATA   J BOD   B oard  
System   R equirements  
PC   H ardware:   M otherboard   w ith   a n   a vailable   P CIe   2 .0   o r   1 .0   s lot   c apable   o f   s upporting   a n   x 8   ( 8-­‐
lane)   o r   x 16   ( 16-­‐lane)   l ength   P CIe   c ard.   F or   o ptimal   p erformance,   u se   a   P CIe   2 .0   s lot   r unning   a t   x 8   o r  
x16   s peeds.    
Before,   i nstalling   t he   R ocketRAID   2 711   s eries   c ontroller   m ake   s ure   t he   c omputer   i s   t urned   o ff   a nd  
unplugged   f rom   i ts   p ower   s ource.   T ake   a ppropriate   e lectrostatic   d ischarge   p recautions:  
Your   c omputer   i s   a   s tatic-­‐sensitive   d evice.   I t   i s   s usceptible   t o   i nvisible   d amage   i f   n ot   p rotected   d uring  
We   r ecommend   p roper   g rounding   b y   u sing   a   g rounding   s trap.   M ake   s ure   t o   w ork   i n   a   c lean   a nd  
static-­‐free   a rea,   a nd   a void   w earing   c lothing   t hat   r etains   s tatic   c harges.  
RocketRAID   2 711   H igh   D ensity   B IOS    
The   R ocketRAID   2 711   s eries   c ontroller   w ill   n eed   t o   h ave   H igh   D ensity   B IOS   u pdated   t o   t he   c ontroller  
before   p roceeding   t o   t he   W indows   d evice   d river   i nstallation.      
Download   t he   H igh   D ensity   B IOS   f rom   t he   R ocketRAID   2 711   p roduct   p age   d ownload   s ection   a nd  
follow   t he   i nstructions   b elow   f or   u pdating.  
Step   1 :   I nstall   t he   R ocketRAID   2 711    
Step   2 :   B oot   t he   s ystem   i nto   M S-­‐DOS   m ode.   A   U SB   t humb   d rive   i s   r ecommended   f or   b ooting   i nto   M S-­‐
Step   3 :   E xecute   t he   L OAD.exe   u tility   t o   r e-­‐flash   t he   R ocketRAID   2 711   s eries   c ontroller   w ith   t he   n ew  
High   D ensity   B IOS.    
Step   4 :   L oad   r r2711.v12  
Step   5 :   F ollow   t he   p rompts   t o   r e-­‐flash   t he   R ocketRAID   2 711   s eries   c ontroller   w ith   t he   H igh   D ensity  
Step   6 :   R eboot   t he   s ystem   w hen   t he   R ocketRAID   2 711   s eries   c ontroller   h as   c ompleted   t he   r e-­‐flash.