Dell Wyse C50LE Краткое руководство - Страница 10

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Dell Wyse C50LE Краткое руководство
User experience optimization
with Dell Wyse Collaborative Processing Architecture
Dell Wyse TCX delivers an optimal
user experience in one software suite.
The TCX suite enriches the user experience by removing the limitations previously
associated with thin clients. It enhances, not replaces, key protocols like ICA/HDX and
RDP by adding key features to help make each more valuable.
USB Virtualization
Ensures application
Enables plug and play peripheral
windows and dialog boxes
support for virtual desktop
are multi-monitor aware
when using more than
• Redirect and use local USB
one monitor.
devices in virtual desktops.
• Deploy virtual desktops to
knowledge workers with special
device access needs.
• Enable a broad set of USB
peripherals including webcams
and headsets.
Multimedia acceleration
Streamlines the delivery of video and
audio content to the local client for a rich
user experience within a thin client
computing architecture.
• Accelerates Mpeg1, Mpeg2, WMV,
Mpeg4 Part 2, AC3, AAC, MP3, WAV,
WMA media types.
• Collaborative Processing Architecture
enhances server scalability, and
network utilization by off-loading
multimedia rendering to the client.
Dell Wyse TCX Suite
Flash redirection
Flash redirection helps thin client
users to experience excellent Flash
video performance. Flash redirection
allows web-based Flash video
content to be fetched directly by the
Dell Wyse thin client from the source
where it is played locally. Users get
outstanding Flash video performance
while the VDI host system runs
more efficiently.
Bi-directional sound
Enables bi-directional audio in
virtual desktop environments,
enabling solutions such as
VOIP, digital dictation or voice
recognition to be deployed.
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