Advance Power 16004-10 Manaul kurulumu - Sayfa 5
Yüzme Havuzu Isıtıcısı Advance Power 16004-10 için çevrimiçi göz atın veya pdf Manaul kurulumu indirin. Advance Power 16004-10 9 sayfaları. Api poly pro solar collector swimming pool solar heating systems
Step 3: Install the Collectors
Refer to Figure 5 throughout this section
Plan the collector location to allow at least one foot
on all sides of the row(s) of collectors for mounting
brackets and piping.
Roof obstructions, if present, should now be taken
into account to determine the exact collector location.
Collectors can be installed over or around different
diameter roof vent pipes or other obstructions. After
snapping the top chalk lines but before marking and
pre-drilling for your outlet header brackets, refer to
the following instructions:
For roof vents up to 2" in diameter the collectors can
be installed directly over these vents. Locate the seam
in the panel nearest to where the vent pipe is to come
through. Separate by pulling up on top plate, and
pushing down on the lower plate. Should the vent
pipe protrude near a sonic tack weld, it will have to be
cut apart. Using a sharp utility knife, cut through the
weld while pulling the two plates apart. Lay the
collector over the vent pipe, keeping the vent pipe at
least 12 inches away from a header. It will be easier to
complete an installation by mounting this panel first
then working away from it. With a roof vent pipe of
3" in diameter, the collectors can be positioned on
either side of the vent. Two 7" long hoses (60001-2)
can be employed to couple the collectors together for
vent pipes or other obstacles up to 7" in diameter...
Mark your 51" centers wherever the outlet header
brackets 'fall' on the upper chalk line. With
obstructions of over 7", such as attic fans and
skylights lay out the panels on either side of the
obstruction using a Row Spacer Kit Part No.
1. Determine the position of the last outlet header
hold-down bracket for the row of collectors. Mark this
point on the roof. The collector outlet header will be
located approximately five (5) inches below this
mark. Refer to Figure 6.
2. Using this point, snap a chalk line to the opposite
end of the row. This line should slope down the roof