Ather Dot Kullanıcı El Kitabı - Sayfa 14

Akü Şarj Cihazı Ather Dot için çevrimiçi göz atın veya pdf Kullanıcı El Kitabı indirin. Ather Dot 18 sayfaları. Home charging point

Learn its language

The Ather Dot™ - your home charging point,
speaks to you. The changing state of the LED
light communicates to you about how it's doing.
Every colour tells you something.

Solid amber light

Your home charging point's software is being
updated over-the-air (OTA)

Solid green light

When not connected to the vehicle - Your home
charging point is healthy and is available for
When connected to the vehicle - Charging is done
Blinking green light
Charging in progress
Solid red light
A fault has been detected in your home charging
point. Please contact customer support
No light
No power flow
Note: If you don't see any light (when there is power
in your premises), press Reset Button on PRCD. If
the Ather Dot™ still remains non-functional, please
contact customer support.
Other safety
Here is all the additional critical
information that's a must read
for your safety and to maintain
the health of the Ather Dot™. Go
through them carefully before you
start using it.