Dell PowerConnect 3248 Manuel - Sayfa 15
Anahtar Dell PowerConnect 3248 için çevrimiçi göz atın veya pdf Manuel indirin. Dell PowerConnect 3248 42 sayfaları. Powerconnect 3248; powerconnect 5224
Ayrıca Dell PowerConnect 3248 için: Özellikler Listesi (2 sayfalar), Şartname (2 sayfalar)

CLI Commands
The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for items in
the Switch/Security/Authentication Settings page.
authentication login {radius |
local | tacacs} [tacacs | radius |
local] [local | tacacs | radius]
radius-server host host_ip_address
radius-server port port_number
radius-server key key_string
radius-server retransmit
radius-server timeout
show radius-server
tacacs-server host host_ip_address
tacacs-server port port_number
tacacs-server key key_string
show tacacs-server
E x a m p l e
Console(config)#authentication login local radius
Console(config)#radius-server host
Console(config)#radius-server port 181
Console(config)#radius-server key green
Console(config)#radius-server retransmit 5
Defines the login authentication method
and precedence.
Specifies the RADIUS server IP address.
Sets the RADIUS server UDP port number.
Sets the RADIUS encryption key (up to
20 characters).
Sets the number of times the switch
attempts to authenticate logon access
through the RADIUS server. (The range
is 1–30.)
Sets the number of seconds the switch waits
for a reply before resending a request. (The
range is 1-65535.)
Displays the current configuration of the
RADIUS server parameters.
Specifies the TACACS+ server IP address.
Sets the TACACS+ server TCP port
Sets the TACACS+ encryption key (up to
20 characters).
Displays the current configuration of the
TACACS+ server parameters.
Addendum to the 3 248 and 52 24 User 's Guides
NOTE: The default
password for the enable
command is
manager must change the