Audiofilia AF speakers Посібник користувача - Сторінка 13
Переглянути онлайн або завантажити pdf Посібник користувача для Спікери Audiofilia AF speakers. Audiofilia AF speakers 16 сторінок.
Control the playback quality of your speakers. First of all,
set the volume control to the minimum of the system, then
turn it on. Place in playing a piece of music or a video seg-
ment that is particularly familiar and adjust the volume
control to a level that result pleasant and rewarding.
NOTE: You should hear balanced audio reproduction across
the entire frequency spectrum. If not, check all wiring con-
nections or consult the authorized Audiofilia dealer from
whom you purchased the system for more help.
The amount of bass you hear and the stereo-image quality
will be affected by a number of different factors, inclu-
ding the room's size and shape, the construction mate-
rials used to build the room, the listener's position relati-
ve to the speakers, and the position of the speakers in the
room. Listen to a variety of music selections and note the
bass level. If there is too much bass, move the speakers
away from nearby walls. Conversely, if you place the spe-
akers closer to the walls, there will be more bass output.
The sound of all speakers improves with time, the best
per formance is obtained after several hours of listening.
The cabinets of Audiofilia's speakers are hand finished
with high quality wax or lacquer and do not require any
routine maintenance. When needed, use a soft cloth to re -
move any fingerprints or dust from the cabinet.
NOTE: Do not use any cleaning products or polishing on
the cabinet. Use a soft brush occasionally to wipe the dri-
vers of the speakers.
See attached sheet.
Fe a t u re s, s p e c i f i c a t i o n s a n d a p p e a r a n c e
a re s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e.