Axium Clinical Programmer Посібник користувача - Сторінка 10

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• Electrode Configuration: Each lead has four
electrodes each of which can be programmed
with a positive or negative polarity, or be
programmed as neutral (off). There must
be at least one positive and one negative
electrode before the Clinical Programmer
allows the amplitude to be adjusted and for
the lead to be enabled.
1. Select one of the four electrodes by
clicking on it using the stylus. Clicking
once will turn the electrode posi tive
("+"), clicking it twice will turn it negative
("-") and clicking it three times will turn
it Neutral ("N") again. To exit from the
electrode editing mode, click on the
neighboring Impedance box.
2. Continue by setting each of the
implanted leads with at least one
positive and one negative electrode for
each body region to be treated.
• Impedance: Press the "Instant Impedance"
button ("Ω") to measure the lead's impedance.
Once pressed, the impedance value will
be displayed underneath the button. If you
want the NS to use this Instant Impedance
value for therapy delivery, press the "Transfer
Instant Impedance" button ("→").
NOTE: A transferred impedance value is
required before other stimulation parameters
can be selected.
• Enable: Select "ON" to enable the lead so
that it provides stimulation therapy to the
patient. Select "OFF" if the lead is not being
o When Enable is ON, the "ON" button
will turn the color green.
o When Enable is OFF, the "OFF"
button will turn the color black.
o The button border is red if the
activation state is different from the
programmed value.
WARNING: Once Enable is ON for this
target, any parameter change will be
immediately active.
NOTE: When the lead electrode configuration
changes, the lead is disabled and the
amplitude is automatically changed to zero.
The lead electrode configuration must be
valid prior to activating the lead. A valid
lead configuration must include at least one
positive and one negative electrode. Lead
"Enable" must be "ON" before the amplitude
can be increased from 0 µA.
• Location: Enter the spinal level where stimulation therapy is delivered by this lead
• Pulse Parameters: To select and change pulse parameters, first press the desired increment
level: Fine(>), Medium(>>), Coarse(>>>).
▪ Amplitudes below 2.0 mA (>: 25 µA, >>: 50 µA, >>>: 200 µA)
▪ Amplitudes above 2.0 mA (>: 50 µA, >>: 100 µA, >>>: 400 µA)
▪ Pulse Width (>: 20 µs, >>: 40 µs, >>>: 100 µs)
▪ Frequency (>: 2 Hz, >>: 4 Hz, >>>: 10 Hz)
▪ The UP( Λ ) and Down( V ) buttons next to the specific pulse parameter will allow the user to
change the setting at the desired increments.
The following table lists the pulse parameters, their range, increments and default value:
Pulse Amplitude - PA (µA)
0 – 6000 µA
(Depending on measured impedance)
Maximum Pulse Amplitude - Max
Same as PA
(µA) Programmable by Patient
Pulse Width – PW (µs)
40 – 720 µs
Pulse Frequency - PF (Hz)
4 – 80 Hz
• Maximum Amplitude: Enter the maximum stimulation amplitude, from the clinically set amplitude
up to 6.0 mA, that the patient is allowed to set for each lead.
WARNING: Unless the stimulation settings are known for a specific patient, start with a
Pulse Amplitude of 0 µA.
• Stimulus Response: Allows you to assign a descriptor to a set of programmed pulse parameters.
The descriptor is composed of a body region where the sensation is felt and a description of the
sensation. (E.g. Upper Back & Massaging → Upper Back Massaging). A Stimulus Response must
be selected in order to Program the set of pulse parameters. The Load Other button pulls down a
drop-down menu and allows the user to load another Stimulus Response that has been previously
saved for that lead.
NOTE: When restarting stimulation, increase the amplitude slowly until the desired effect is
Step Size
Default Value
25 µA: 0-2000 µA
0 µA
50 µA: 2000-6000 µA
Same as PA
0 µA
20 µs
300 µs
2 Hz
2 0 Hz