AMC XIA50 Anweisungen für Installation und Betrieb Handbuch - Seite 4

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Auch für AMC XIA50: Anweisungen für Installation und Betrieb Handbuch (17 seiten)

AMC XIA50 Anweisungen für Installation und Betrieb Handbuch
The AMC remote controllable integrated
amplifiers XIA30t/XIA50 offer in an
innovative and elegant design, an
affordable combination of high quality
sound reproduction and comprehensive
The integrated amplifier accepts five
inputs (Phono, CD, Tuner, Aux/USB and
Tape), is compatible with both moving
magnet and moving coil cartridges, has
full tape monitoring capabilities and also
both a direct switch, allowing the tone
control circuitry to be by-passed for
improved sound quality.
To get the best from your amplifier
please study this manual carefully.
Should you experience any problems,
please discuss them with your dealer
w h o h a s a f u l l k n o w l e d g e o f A M C
products and their use in a variety of
Your AMC amplifier is supplied set to
w o r k o n y o u r l o c a l m a i n s s u p p l y
Check that your local mains supply
voltage agrees with the voltage setting
indicated on the back panel of the
amplifier. If not, please set the AC
Select Switchon back panel to your
local mains supply voltage.
Note: All connection must be completed
and AC Select Switch should be set to
correct voltage before plugging in power
cord and turning the power on.
If the mains plug is fused, fit a 3amp
fuse. Your AMC amplifier contains fuses
which are designed to protect the
amplifier and prevent the occurrence of
a dangerous fault condition. These
should only be inspected and replaced
by a conpetent engineer using the
correct replacement types.
*Unique phono stage design that employs
t w o a u d i o p h i l e g r a d e o p - a m p s p e r
channel that provide very low THD, TIM
and noise, together with switchable
MM/MC sensitivities.
*AMC XIA30t/XIA50 is designed with
option of USB connector for networking
to other equipments, computer, LAN and
so the Internet.
*AMC XIA30t/XIA50 creates CD quality
s o u n d f r o m c o m p u t e r a n d I n t e r n e t
t h r o u g h t h e U S B l i n k i n g s y s t e m
designed in AMC IA system.
*The high overload tone control stage can
b e c o m p l e t e l y b y - p a s s e d w i t h t h e
DIRECT switch to give natural sound
*Special designed passive tone control
circuit to give natural sound quality.
*Uses audiophile grade components
t h r o u g h o u t , p r o v i d i n g e x c e p t i o n a l
accuracy to phono and tone control
*High overload margin on tone control
circuit by virtue of its topologies.
*Power amplifiers with 30 Amp high peak
o u t p u t c u r r e n t d e v i c e s t o o f f e r
capabilities to drive almost all types of
speaker systems.
*Power amplifiers with special designed
perfect virtual image topology to make it
possible to be without output relays. The
topology connects amplifier outputs to
speaker systems without relay contacts
to offer best possible sound quality.
*Using high output current devices with
optimized power supply designs, the
power amplifiers can be only protected
with fuses on power supplier side in
order to delivery extremely high output
current in demand to give superb sound
*With universal power transformer passed
all international safety standards, end
users can use the unit in all countries by
r e - s e t t i n g t h e A C s e l e c t t o c o r r e c t
*Heavy duty gold plated speaker binding
posts and phono connectors for ultra
reliable connections.