DSC LC-105DGB Einbauanleitung - Seite 2
Blättern Sie online oder laden Sie pdf Einbauanleitung für Sicherheitssensoren DSC LC-105DGB herunter. DSC LC-105DGB 2 Seiten. Shock & glass breakage detector

Set the jumpers as follows: LED=ON, SHOCK=ON.
1. Use the simulator in manual mode to simulate the noise of glass breaking . Check that the yellow LED is ON. If it does not light, a sensitivity
calibration is necessary. Rotate the "SENS" potentiometer clockwise to increase the sensitivity, and counterclockwise to decrease it. 2. Use your
hand or a padded object to firmly strike on door or table. If the green LED does not light, adjust the sensitivity as necessary. 3. Use the Simulator
in automatic mode and check that the red LED lights. If the red LED, yellow LED and green LEDS are ON, your detector is working properly.
* Cutting of glass by a diamond causes only the red LED to light. If the red LED does not light try adjusting the sensitivity until the red LED lights.
* Set the jumpers as follows: LED=ON, SHOCK=OFF.
* To ensure maximum protection against false alarms, activate any device in the area, which might automatically activate, like cycle pumps,
generator s, heating/ai r conditioni ng units , etc. If thes devi ces trigger an alar m, mount the unit i n a different location.
* Set the jumpers to their normal working position: SHOCK = ON.
Use #22 AWG (0.5mm) or wires with a larger diameter. Use the following table to determine required wire gauge (diameter) and length of the
wire between the detector and the control panel.
Wire Length
Wire Diameter mm
Wire Length
800 1200 2000 3400
Wire Gauge
Power Input
Standby: 15mA at 12 Vdc
Active: 40mA at 12Vdc
Detection Range
10m (33ft), Max.
Cutting 3m
Ceiling or Wall
Alarm Output Relay N.C. 50mA/24Vdc
10 Ohm in line resistor
Tamper Switch
N.C. 50mA/24Vdc with
10Ohm in line resistor
C to 50
Temperature Range (-4
F to 122
Operating Humidity 95% max relative humidity
non condensing
C to 70
Temperature Range (-22
F to 158
RFI Protection
30V/m 10 -1000 MHz
EMI Protection
50,000V electrical
interference from lightning
79mm x 48mm x 21mm
40gr. ( 1.41oz.)
LIMIT ED WARRAN TY: Digital Security Controls Ltd, w arrants that for a period of 12 m onths from the date of purchase, the product shall be free of defe cts in materials and workm anship unde r normal use a nd that in
fulfillment of any breach of such warranty. D igital Security Controls Ltd shall, at it s opt ion, repair or re place the defective equipment u pon ret urns of the e quipm ent to its repair d epot. This warranty applies only to de fects
in parts and workmanship and no t to damage incurred in shippin g or ha ndling, or damag e due to causes beyond the control of Digit al Security Con trols Ltd, such as lightning, excessive voltage me chan ical sho ck, wate r
damage, or damage arising out o f abuse, alteration or improper a pplication of the equipment.
The forego ing w arranty sh all apply only to the original buyer, and is and shall be in lieu of any and all o ther w arranties, whether expressed or implied and o f all othe r obligations o r lia bilities on th e part of Digital Security
Controls Ltd . Digital Security Controls Ltd neith er assumes responsib ility for, nor au thorizes an y oth er perso n purpo rting to act on its behalf to modify or t o cha nge this w arranty, nor to assume for it a ny ot her w arranty or
liability concerning this product.
In no event shall Digita l Security Con trols Ltd be lia ble f or any direct, indirect or conseq uential da mages, lo ss of anticip ated profits, loss o f time or an y oth er losses incurred by the buyer in conne ction with th e purchase,
in stallation or operation or failure of t his pro duct.
Motion det ecto rs can only detect mo tion within the de signated are as as Sh own in th eir re spe ctive inst allation instructions. Th ey can not discriminate betwe en intrud ers and inte nded occupants. Mot ion detectors do not
provide vo lumetric area prote ction. The y have multiple bea ms of d etection and mo tion can only be detected in unobstructed area s covered by these beams. They cannot detect motion which occurs beh ind w alls, ceilings,
flo or, closed doors, g lass partitions, g lass doors or windows. Any
type of tamperin g whe ther in tentional or unintentional such as m asking , painting, or spra ying of any ma terial on the lenses, mirrors, windows or any o ther part of th e detection system w ill impair its proper operation.
Passive infrared motion detectors operate by sensing changes in temperature. Howe ver their effectiven ess can be reduced when the ambient temperature rises ne ar or above body temperature or if there are intentional
or u nin ten tion al so urces of he at in or n ea r th e d et ectio n a rea. So me of t hese h eat so urces could be h ea ters, radia tors, sto ves, barb equ es, firep laces, su nligh t, stea m vent s, lig ht in g and so o n.
WARNI NG: Di gital Security Co ntrols Ltd , reco mm end s that th e en tire sys tem be com pletely tested o n a reg ula r basis. However, d espite fre qu ent testing , an d d ue to , bu t n ot lim ited to , crim inal tam perin g
or electrical d isru ption , it i s po ssible for this p rod uct to fail to p erfo rm as exp ecte d.
Im p ortan t in form a tio n : Ch an g es or mo d ifica ti on s no t ex pre ssl y ap p ro ved b y D ig ital Secu ri ty Co n tro ls L td c ou ld v oi d th e u se r's a uth or ity to op er ate thi s e qu ip m en t.
2005 Digital Security Controls Ltd
Toronto, Canada
Fig. 5 - PCB Layout
Fig. 6 - Detector test