Adexa AP238- PS83- 36 Installationshandbuch / Gebrauchs- und Pflegeanleitung - Seite 12
Blättern Sie online oder laden Sie pdf Installationshandbuch / Gebrauchs- und Pflegeanleitung für Lüftungshaube Adexa AP238- PS83- 36 herunter. Adexa AP238- PS83- 36 20 Seiten. Under-mount hood
Measure the distance between the cooking
surface and the bottom of the range hood. A
distance of 27" to 30" is recommended*.
Due to different ceiling height configurations, the
recommended height may not be applicable
Step 1: Determine the venting method and proceed if you would like tovent VERTICALLY.
Using references in the Height & Clearance diagram, determine and clearly mark the centerline
on the bottom of the cabinet.
Draw electrical wires through cabinet access opening on top of the range hood (refer to figure 3),
center the hood beneath the cabinet and flush with the front of the cabinet.
From inside the hood, place hood mounting screws in the exact center of each knockout holes
and secure to the cabinet bottom. Tighten all screws until secure. Be careful when using electrical
screwdriver in order not to damage the range hood. Connect and secure the 8'' round metal duct.
CAUTION: Make certain the range hood is secure before releasing!
For safet y purpose, pre-drilled mount ing holes are provided t hrough t he back of t he hood. For a
St ep 2 :
more secure inst allat ion,use as many mount ing holes as needed t o secure from t he inside of hood.
Step 3 :
Use 7" round st eel pipe (follow building codes in your area) t o connect t he exhaust on t he hood t o
t he duct w ork above.Use silver t ape or duct t ape t o make all joint s secure and air t ight . Refer t o Figure 5.
SAFETY WARNING: Risk of elect rical shock. t his range hood must be properly grounded.M ake sure t his is
done by qualified elect rician in accordancew it h all applicable nat ional and local elect rical codes. Before
connect ing w ires,sw it ch pow er off at service panel and lock service panel t o prevent pow er from being
sw it ched on accident ally.
Step 4 :
Connect t he range hood t o a designat ed st andard out let or cut off t he plug and connect t hree w ires
(black,w hit e andgreen) t o house w ires and cap w it h w ire connect ors.Connect according t o colors
(i.e. black t o black, w hit e t o w hit e, and green t o green) as show n in Figure 4.
Step 5 :
St ore excess w ires in t he w iring box.