Gamma Chu-Chu-Train Gebrauchsanweisung - Seite 6

Blättern Sie online oder laden Sie pdf Gebrauchsanweisung für Produkt für die Atemwege Gamma Chu-Chu-Train herunter. Gamma Chu-Chu-Train 18 Seiten. Compressor nebulizer system

7. warranty
The nebulizer system Chu-Chu-Train is covered by a -year warranty from date of purchase for any
defects in the design or in the materials used. The warranty does not cover the accessories sup-
plied with the device and those parts subject to normal wear and tear.
The warranty does not apply to damage caused by improper handling, accidents, not following
the operating instructions or self-maintained alterations made to the device.
The manufacturer shall not be liable for any damages to people, property or pets, either
directly or indirectly, caused by the non-compliance with the instruction book.
The warrantee is only valid upon presentation of the warrantee card which was correctly filled in
and sealed.

8. what Is nebulIzInG therapy

what is a nebulizer?
The name of the device comes from the Latin word nebula that means fog, cloud. The nebulizer
system is a device that turns a liquid drug into a fine aerosol under the influence of the compressed
air. Aerosol is a drug suspension. So, nebulizing therapy is an inhalation therapy with the help of
Inhalation therapy has been used for treatment of lung diseases for a long time. The ancient civili-
zations of Egypt, India, Chine, the Middle East, Greece are know to have used inhalations of evapo-
rations from menthol, eucalyptus, different plants.
For patients with lung diseases nebulizing therapy seems to be the most rational one since big
drug doses come very fast to the respiratory tract directly.
how does the nebulizer system work?
Nebulizer directs an aerosol containing larger and smaller particles to the respiratory tract. The
gravity makes the larger particles accumulate on the walls of the upper respiratory passages while
the smaller particles have enough time to reach the lower bronchial branches. Therefore the drug
comes to all parts of the patient's bronhial tree, including the smallest bronchi and alveole, and
gets into the blood vessels on the walls of the alveole in big therapeutic dozes with tiny or none
side effects. Some drugs are very slow to be absorbed from the alimentary canal or are affected
dramatically by the first passage through the liver. In such cases the way out is to use inhalation
therapy. Nebulizing therapy can be used by patients of any age, it's suitable for small children and
what is nebulizing therapy used for?
Nebulizer systems are used by the patients with:
-acute respiratory diseases;
- obstructive pulmonary disease;
-chronic inflammatory processes in respiratory passages such as chronic bronchitis, bronchial
asthma (incl. chronic or unstable ones, exacerbation of asthma), chronic pharyngitis;
-respiratory passages infections;
-abnormalities in secretion quality and secreting in bronchi;
-different types of coughing;
Nebulizing therapy helps to decrease the level of inflammation activity, to improve respiratory
passage drain function, to lessen the bronchismus, to make the edema smaller and to protect the
mucous membrane, etc.
what are the advantages of nebulizing therapy compared to other means of drug delivery?
Nebulizing therapy gives a possibility to quickly effect the inflammatory zone by big drug dozes
which increases the influence of the treatment and reduces the risk of side effects to other organs.
Nebulizing therapy is the easiest way of inhalation treatment and it is also an economical means
of treatments from the point of view of purposeful use of drug. Aerosol treatment with the help of
nebulizing systems can be used for children, elderly and infirm patients.
please use only those drugs that were prescribed to you by your doctor, do not execute
self-treatment and do not change the methods/frequency prescribed without consulting
your doctor.