One Size Does Not Fit All.
by Mark Bagley, Esq., Industry Consultant
I recently signed up for a new health gym
that opened up close to my house. Upon
registering, I was given a welcome pack
that included a white t-shirt printed with
the gym's name on it. I checked the size
of the shirt to see if it would fit and the tag
said "One Size Fits All". The first question
that came to mind was "how can a health
gym of all places think everyone is the
same size?" The shirt is obviously a pro-
motional shirt and is not designed to really
fit all sizes of people.
However, I often find garment decora-
tors thinking in a similar way when they
purchase equipment. Maybe it is because
of the economy, but more garment decora-
tors today tend to only have the basic set
of hoops or platen(s) that come with their
equipment at the time of purchase. This
way of thinking can limit the growth po-
tential of garment decorators. By having a
variety of different sizes of hoops or plat-
ens, garment decorators expand the prod-
ucts they can offer to their customers. Be-
low are some pictures of items decorated
in unique ways that every embroiderer and
Martial Arts belts and dog collars can be
embroidered using the FastFrames belt frame
on most machines. Picture provided by
Martial Arts Embroidery.
The Brother
Pocket Platen allows the user
to print either on or above the pocket on
a garment by raising up the print area.
Picture provided by Stylish Designs.
DTG owner should consider offering to
their customers to differentiate themselves
from other garment decorators.
Take the time to consider how potentially
making a small investment in a different
type of hoop or platen will allow your
company to increase its sales.
HoopTech EMS Clamps can be used for
embroidering a variety of items from coolers,
CD cases, totes, jacket sleeves and more.
Picture provided by The PAS Store.
The Brother
Baby Platen is perfect for doing
onesies and baby clothing; as well as tagless
prints on the inside of the garments. Picture
provided by The PAS Store.
Take the time to think about unique items
that your customers currently have or use
periodically. Not only can this lead to ad-
ditional profits, but it can also help you
create a competitive advantage over the
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Issue 7
Fall 2009