EWS User Manual. This provides procedures for downloading firmware to the
switch or director.
EWS online help. This provides procedures for downloading firmware to the
switch or director.
Downgrading directly to a release before 06.00.00 from 07.01.02-4 is not allowed. To
downgrade to a release before 06.00.00, you must first downgrade to 06.YY.ZZ.
Upgrades and downgrades are supported only from one major release to the next, such
as from 06.xx.xx to 07.01.02-4. If EWS is used for upgrades and downgrades, and this
rule is not followed, errors occur and there may be a disruption to attached devices.
Downgrading to release 6.0 with the Preferred Path feature configured could cause loss
of this function. HP recommends that Preferred Path be disabled before downgrading.
To do this, deselect the check box for Enable Preferred Path in the Configure Preferred
Paths dialog box.
The Director 2/140 and the Edge Switch 2/24 cannot be downgraded earlier than
04.01.00, and the Edge Switch 2/12 cannot be downgraded earlier than 05.05.00.
If a Director 2/140 in a multiswitch fabric is downgraded earlier than 06.02.00, ISLs
could become segmented if there are any other switches in the fabric operating with a
firmware version earlier than 06.01.00. To prevent this situation, downgrade all Director
2/140s in the fabric to 06.01.00 before downgrading any products in the fabric to
05.xx.xx. This problem only exists with Director 2/140s in the fabric. HAFM displays a
warning message if a downgrade from 06.02.00 is attempted, but you can continue
with the downgrade if desired.
The warning message is displayed when downgrading any model from 06.02.00, but
only applies to downgrade operations for the Director 2/140.
Firmware downgrades should not be performed using EWS and Internet Explorer
v5.00.3315.1000x. If this operation is performed, the download operation may not
complete and may eventually time-out leaving the switch with the previous version of