Samsung Chrono SCH-R261 Benutzerhandbuch - Seite 10
Blättern Sie online oder laden Sie pdf Benutzerhandbuch für Mobiltelefon Samsung Chrono SCH-R261 herunter. Samsung Chrono SCH-R261 33 Seiten.
Auch für Samsung Chrono SCH-R261: Benutzerhandbuch (33 seiten)
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" Support needed research int o possible biological effect s of RF of
t he t ype em it t ed by wireless phones;
" Design wireless phones in a way t hat m inim izes any RF ex posure
t o t he user t hat is not necessary for device funct ion; and
" Cooperat e in providing users of wireless phones wit h t he best
possible inform at ion on possible effect s of wireless phone use on
hum an healt h.
FDA belongs t o an int eragency working group of t he federal agencies t hat
hav e responsibilit y for different aspect s of RF safet y t o ensure coordinat ed
effort s at t he federal lev el. The following agencies belong t o t his working
" Nat ional I nst it ut e for Occupational Safet y and Healt h
" Environm ent al Prot ect ion Agency
" Federal Com m unicat ions Com m ission
" Occupat ional Safet y and Healt h Adm inist rat ion
" Nat ional Telecom m unicat ions and I nform at ion Adm inist rat ion
The National I nst it ut es of Healt h part icipat es in som e int eragency w orking
group act ivit ies, as well.
FDA shares regulat ory responsibilit ies for wireless phones wit h t he Federal
Com m unicat ions Com m ission ( FCC) . All phones t hat are sold in t he Unit ed
St at es m ust com ply wit h FCC safet y guidelines t hat lim it RF exposure.
FCC relies on FDA and ot her healt h agencies for safet y questions about
wireless phones.
FCC also regulat es t he base st at ions t hat t he wireless phone net works
rely upon. While t hese base st at ions operat e at higher power t han do the
wireless phones t hem selv es, t he RF exposures t hat people get from t hese
base st at ions are t ypically t housands of t im es lower t han t hose t hey can
get from wireless phones. Base st at ions are t hus not t he prim ary subj ect
of t he safet y quest ions discussed in t his docum ent .
W h a t ar e t h e r e su lt s of t h e r e se a r ch don e alr e a dy?
The research done t hus far has produced conflict ing result s, and m any
st udies have suffered from flaws in t heir research m et hods. Anim al
ex perim ent s investigating t he effect s of radio frequency energy ( RF)
ex posures charact erist ic of wireless phones have yielded conflict ing
result s t hat oft en cannot be repeat ed in ot her laborat ories. A few anim al
st udies, howev er, have suggest ed t hat low lev els of RF could accelerat e
t he developm ent of cancer in laborat ory anim als. However, m any of t he
st udies t hat showed increased t um or developm ent used anim als t hat had
been genet ically engineered or t reat ed wit h cancer- causing chem icals so
as t o be pre- disposed t o dev elop cancer in absence of RF exposure. Ot her
st udies exposed t he anim als t o RF for up t o 22 hours per day. These
condit ions are not sim ilar t o t he condit ions under which people use
wireless phones, so we don't know wit h cert aint y w hat t he result s of such
st udies m ean for hum an healt h.
Three large epidem iology st udies hav e been published since Decem ber