Xerox DocuPrint 4890 NPS Spezifikationen - Seite 34

Blättern Sie online oder laden Sie pdf Spezifikationen für Alles in einem Drucker Xerox DocuPrint 4890 NPS herunter. Xerox DocuPrint 4890 NPS 42 Seiten. Xerox printer specification sheet

Set tray from virtual printer media CM 5-8
Set Virtual Printer Flags command PJ 2-8
setbscolor TG 5-4
SetCacheDevice operator PD 1-32
setcmykcolor TG 5-4
setcolorscreen TG 5-3
setfileposition operator PD 1-21
setflat TG 5-5
setflat operator PD 1-25
setgray TG 5-4
setgray operator PD 1-28
setlinewidth TG 5-5
setlinewidth operator PD 1-23, PD 1-24
setpagedevice error
DOS xcat DC 6-15
SunOS/Solaris formmerge DC 6-19
setpagedevice operator
calls, multiple PJ 5-2
caution PJ 5-2
command PJ 5-12
example PJ 5-4
requests PJ 4-2
selection PJ 4-6
MultiSet feature PJ 5-2
setrgbcolor TG 5-4
setrgbcolor call DC 8-6
setscreen TG 5-3
setscreen operator PD 1-32
default media CM 5-7
dynamic media PJ 4-5–PJ 4-6
feeder tray attributes CM 5-4
imager parameters CM 5-29
imager parameters, PCL CM 5-33
multiple copies PJ 5-11
printer options CM 5-29
profiles CM 6-2
static media PJ 4-1
Setting IPDS Options PJ 8-1
setting stacker groups CM 5-10
settransfer TG 5-4
adding color IS 5-9
limitations IS 9-1
Macintosh LaserWriter driver 7.x SJ 4-10
CM = Guide to Configuring and Managing the System
IS = IPDS Solutions Guide
SJ = Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client
DC = Decomposition Service and Tools Guide
PD = Guide to Using PDL
PJ = Guide to Managing Print Jobs
shared resource content files, naming PJ 6-2
shared space IP 6-12–IP 6-14
shortcuts, command CM 1-1
Show Default Color Calibration command
CM 15-12
Show Default Media command CM 5-4
Show Document Attributes command PJ
Show Host ID CM 2-13
Show Host ID command CM 2-13
Show Imager Parameters command CM
Show IPDS Tracing command CM 2-13
Show IPDS Virtual Printer command PJ 2-10
Show License Status command CM 2-15,
CM 2-17
Show Log command DC 7-7, DC D1-1, CM
Show PCL Imager Parameters command
CM 5-33
Show Profiles command CM 6-1
Show Scheduling Policy command PJ 3-13
Show Status command DC 7-8, DC D1-7,
CM 8-2
Show Time command CM 7-1
showpage operator DC 8-2
shutting down the system CM 3-3
simplex IP 3-16, SO 3-16
simplex output PD 2-6
simplex printing
Windows NT 4.0 (transparent) SJ
single job, removing referenced files PJ 6-7
single-use referenced content files PJ 6-2
selection, Xerox responsibilities SJ 4-1
Sixth Sense IP 1-12, IP B-2, SO 1-5
size of job PJ 3-1
SkipJTPrescan attribute PJ 1-22
slow scan direction PD 1-35, PD 1-38
smooth curves TG 5-5
socket printing SJ 2-19
Socket Printing, TCP/IP CM 2-28
software SJ 3-2
SO = System Overview Guide
IP = Installation Planning Guide
RM -Guide to Performing Routine
TG = Troubleshooting Guide
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