Canon 0304B001 - EOS 1D Mark II N Digital Camera SLR Manual de instrucciones - Página 11

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Canon 0304B001 - EOS 1D Mark II N Digital Camera SLR Manual de instrucciones

Preview Mode

You can select an image displayed as a thumbnail and display it individually.
Select the [Preview Mode] tab.
Preview Mode tab
Folder area
The images in the selected folder are displayed
in the thumbnail image display area.
Image display area
The image selected in the thumbnail image
display area is displayed.
To select multiple images, hold down the <Ctrl> key and click the images.
To select sequential images, click the first image and then hold down the <Shift> key and
click the last image.
You can switch between showing and hiding each item by clicking the [
image information area.
You cannot change the file name or edit an image that is protected.
Returns to the display of the folder before [
] is clicked.
Returns to the display of the folder previously displayed.
You can set a "Rating".
Operating buttons
Displays the next image.
Displays the previous image.
If you move the cursor over the thumbnail image and wait for a while, the image will be
displayed individually.
If you double-click on a folder in the thumbnail image display area, the images inside the
folder will be displayed.
] button in the
Displays the folder one level above.
You can select or deselect all the images and folders.
You can set the information to be displayed for the images.
You can display only the images that match a "Rating".
Image information area
You can change the file name.
When a sound file is selected, the information of
the sound file is displayed. If the [Play Sound]
button is clicked, the sound is played back.
You can set protection.
You can enter comments.
The [View/Modify Keywords] dialog box
appears and you can set a keyword.
Displays the histogram (brightness
Displays the shooting information.
Thumbnail image display area
The images inside the folder selected in the
folder area are displayed.
If you click an image, the image will be
displayed in the image display area.
If you double-click an image, the image will be
displayed in the viewer window (p.1-7).
You can show/hide the image information area.
Cover/Table of


Viewing and
Classifying Images

Editing and

Exporting Images

Printing Images

Internet Function
and Specifying



