Ametek Gemco 952CP Ram-Set Manual de instalación y mantenimiento - Página 5

Navegue en línea o descargue pdf Manual de instalación y mantenimiento para Controlador Ametek Gemco 952CP Ram-Set. Ametek Gemco 952CP Ram-Set 20 páginas. Automatic press shut height controller

Chapter 1: General Description

The standard 1996 Ram-Set consists of a transducer, transducer cable termination kit, controller, and output module.
The transducer device is a magnetostrictive linear displacement transducer (LDT for short). The LDT consists of a fi xed guide
tube assembly attached to an electronics package, and a non-contacting magnet assembly that moves up and down the guide
tube. The magnet position is precisely sensed by the guide tube electronics. The guide tube assembly is attached to a fi xed
member of the slide, typically at the Pitman arm. The magnet assembly is attached to a moving portion of the slide.
The output signal of the LDT is transmitted through the cable termination kit. The kit consists of strain relief fi ttings at the
transducer connection point, fl exible cable between the transducer, and a J box mounted on the crown of the press. The J box
has quick disconnect fi ttings for the fl exible cable and cable running to the controller.
The controller and output modules accept slide position information from the LDT, programming information, and energize out-
puts to accurately position the slide to any customer selected die number.

1.1 Controller Features and Functions

The controller is housed in an all metal case that can be panel mounted. The controller consists of a mother board, which
contains all keypad interface components, a CPU board, and a power supply board.
The Ram-Set controller is the "brain" of the Ram-Set system. It provides the operator interface and microprocessor to carry out
all programmed directions. The following features are found on the Ram-Set faceplate:
Display - A six (6) digit L.E.D. read-out will show current shut height position, programming details, and while in automatic
operation the display will show shut height movement.
Programming Keys - There are three sets of programming keys on the Ram-Set faceplate. The largest group contains
numbers from 0-9 for entering programming data. A "C/CE" or clear key will remove any erroneous programming mis-
takes, and an "ENT" or enter key for entering programming data into the controller memory.
The second group of keys contains a "DIE #" key used to enter customer selected die numbers into the Ram-Set memory.
An "F" or function key is used as a precursor to let the Ram-Set controller know that new programming data is being
entered. The key must be depressed before any programming function is entered. "Jog up" and "Jog down" keys are
used to manually adjust the press shut height. The keyswitch must be in the "Jog" mode to enable the "Jog up/Jog down"
The last key is the "Stop" key. This will automatically disable the drive relays when the system is in the automatic mode
and a drive sequence has been initiated.
Mode Select Keyswitch - This four (4) position keyswitch allows customer selection of several modes.
"Auto" - This mode is used when the customer desires to drive to a new pre-programmed shut height.
"Prog" - This is a program mode. In this mode calibration data and die number/shut height values can be entered.
"Jog" - Jog mode enables the "Jog up/Jog down" keys, allowing manual adjustment of the shut height.
"Standby" - The standby key should be used while the press is in operation. It locks out all automatic and manual move-
ment, as well as programming features.
Installation and Maintenance Manual