DSC PC1575 Manual de instrucciones - Página 11

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DSC PC1575 Manual de instrucciones

Zone Bypassing

The zone bypassing function is used when access is needed to part of the protected area while the
system is armed. Zones which are temporarily out of service due to damaged wiring or contacts may
be bypassed to allow system arming until repairs can be made.
Bypassed zones will not cause an alarm. Zones cannot be bypassed once the system is armed.
Bypassed zones are automatically cancelled each time the system is disarmed and must be reapplied
before the next arming.
NOTE: For security reasons, your installer may program the system to prevent you from
bypassing certain zones.
Bypassing zones reduces your security protection. If you are bypassing a zone due to damaged
wiring or contacts, please call a service technician immediately so that the problem can be
resolved and your system returned to proper working order.
Do not unintentionally bypass zones when you arm your system.
To bypass zones from an LED keypad:
Start with the system in the Ready state. Enter [ ][1][Zone number(s) to be bypassed].
Enter the zone number(s) as a single digit from 1 to 6. As each zone is bypassed, the corresponding
zone light will turn ON. If a zone is bypassed by mistake, press that zone number again and the zone
light will turn OFF, indicating that the zone is not bypassed. Press [#] to return to the Ready state.
To recall the last group of bypassed zones:
Enter [ ][1][9]. The zone lights corresponding to the last group of bypassed zones will turn ON. If you
wish to add or delete a zone from the group, press [#] to exit the viewing function and return to the
Ready state, then follow the instructions above to perform zone bypassing.
To bypass zones from an LCD keypad:
To bypass a zone, the system must be in the Ready state. The display will read...
Press the [ ] key to enter the functions menu. The display will read...
Enter Code to
Arm System
Press the [ ] key to enter the zone bypassing mode. The display will read...
Press (*) for <>
Zone Bypass
Use the arrow (< >) keys to find the zone to be bypassed and press the [ ] key to
Zone Search
select it. The display will read...
"Zone Name"
"B" will appear on the display to show that the zone is bypassed. To unbypass a
Zone Search
zone, enter the zone number; the "B" will disappear from the display to show that
"Zone Name"
the zone is no longer bypassed.
This display will be shown if a zone was open when you entered the bypassing
Zone Search
command. The open zone will be represented by "O". If you bypass the open zone,
"Zone Name"
the "O" will be replaced by a "B".
To exit the bypassing mode and return to the Ready state, press the [#] key.
To recall last group of bypassed zones:
Enter [ ][1][9]. Use the arrow (< >) keys to scroll through a list of the last group of bypassed zones. If
you wish to add or delete a zone from the group, press [#] to exit the viewing function and return to the
Ready state, then follow the instructions above to perform zone bypassing.