GajShield UTM Series Manual de inicio rápido - Página 6

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GajShield UTM Series Manual de inicio rápido

WAN Configuration

Interface Type: GajShield supports 3 types of network modes Standard, PPPoE Connection & DHCP.
Standard Mode
IP Address & Netmask enter IP details provided by your ISP.
Next Hop IP is ISP Gateway or router IP.
MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) Insert maximum packet size, in bytes, that can be sent through the interface.
NOTE: We recommend tha t you us e the defa ul t, 1500 bytes , unl es s your network equi pment requi res a di fferent
pa cket s i ze.
PPPoE Connection
IP Address & Netmask select (Static / Dynamic) depending on your ISP settings.
Next Hop IP select (Static / Assigned by Remote) depending upon your ISP settings.
Access Concentrator the PPPoE server name provided by the ISP.
Note: Lea ve i t empty i f ISP does not provi de a s erver name.
Service Name enter ISP name or details provided by service provider.
Username / Password Insert username & password provided by ISP for PPPoE authentication.
5. Enter ISP IP details under WAN Configuration.