2� Shields
Shields which show any signs of clouding,
wear, or deterioration are an indication
that the sight flow indicator glass has been
exposed, or could soon become exposed to
the contained fluid� Immediately take sight
flow indicator out of service� Do not proceed
with operation of sight flow indicator until
shields and glass have been replaced by
following the Disassembly-Reassembly
instructions in Section 7�0�
3� Gasket leaks
Gasket leaks must be immediately repaired�
Do not proceed with operation of a dual
window sight flow indicator until glass,
gaskets and cushions have been replaced
by following the Disassembly-Reassembly
instructions in Section 7�0�
4� Connection leaks
Leaks at a flanged or threaded connection
should be corrected by tightening the bolts
at the connection or by taking the sight flow
indicator out of service and remaking the
connection using Teflon
on all male pipe threads�
5� Corrosion
It is the user's responsibility to choose
a material of construction compatible
with both the contained fluid and
surrounding atmosphere in the user's
specific application� If internal or external
corrosion are present, an investigation
must immediately be carried out by the user
as to the cause of the problem, including
consultation with an authorized Penberthy
6� Bolt torque
Bolt torque schedules should be developed
by checking bolt torque values daily until
an appropriate cycle becomes apparent�
The appropriate schedule is such that the
minimum torque is always maintained while
not exceeding maximums at any time as
shown in Table 3�
6.3 Troubleshooting
Problem: Glass or shield becomes etched
or clouded in service�
Fluid being handled is not
compatible with the glass or shield
Install shields that are unaffected
by fluid�
Problem: Glass continually breaks in service�
Warped body as a result of
mechanical or thermal stresses�
Replace sight flow indicator�
Do not proceed with the removal or disassembly
of a dual window sight flow indicator from
connecting piping unless the sight flow indicator
has been relieved of all pressure or vacuum, has
been allowed to reach ambient temperature and
has been drained or purged of all fluids. Failure
to do so can cause serious personal injury or
property damage.
7.1 Disassembly
a� Dual window sight flow indicators should be
disassembled by holding sight flow indicator
firmly and loosening the bolts by following
the bolt loosening sequence shown in
Figure 2 for the specific size sight flow
Once a dual window sight flow indicator has been
disassembled, all glass, gaskets, cushions, and
tape or equivalent
shields (where used) must be disposed of since
they are permanently deformed by compression.
Do not under any circumstances re-use those
items since they can cause leaks or high stress
points resulting in glass breakage. If re-used, the
glass may break causing serious personal injury
or property damage.
7.2 Reassembly
a� Refer to exploded view Figure 4�
b� Prepare for installation of new glass by first
cleaning the gasket seating surfaces on the
housing (181), the body (11), and the cushion
seating surfaces on the glass covers (1)�
This should be done using a soft metal
scraper (preferably brass) to remove all
burrs, rust, and bits of old gasket or cushion
which may be present� Exercise extreme
care to avoid gouging or scarring gasket or
cushion seating surfaces�
Failure to prepare gasket or cushion surfaces
as described above can result in leaks or glass
breakage with resulting serious personal injury
or property damage.
c� Upon receipt of glass, inspect each piece
individually for shipping damage� During
inspection, and during any subsequent
handling of glass, care must be exercised
to keep glass (especially the polished faces)
from contacting each other or any other
surfaces including table tops� If shipping
damage is evident or suspected, notify
carrier immediately and request a damage
inspection� Glass should be kept in original
wrap within original box until ready to use�