When you have a large number of Web Tools pages open with a heavy workload,
you may occasionally see remnants of other pages or incomplete graphics on the
Workaround: Refresh the Fabric View window.
Occasionally, users may request reports, such as Fabric Events, Switch Report,
Port Settings and others that may not display information or display partial
information for a given switch believed to be in the fabric.
Workaround: Refresh the page or close the specific web page and request it again.
When using the Web Tools Fabric View or Switch View to open a telnet session
from within Netscape, the telnet session is not automatically closed when exiting.
Workaround: The telnet window must be closed manually.
The recommended Java plug-in for Solaris does not allow drag and drop options
in some of the windows where it should be supported.
When a pop-up window requesting a user response is pushed into the background
and refresh is requested, a fatal Internet Explorer error may occur.
Following a switch enable or disable, it is necessary to wait at least 25–30 seconds
for the fabric to reconfigure and for FSPF route calculations to complete before
requesting routing information. If accessed too early, routing information will not
be shown.
Web Tools must be restarted when the Ethernet IP address is changed using the
NetworkConfig View command. Web Tools will appear to freeze or hang if
it is not restarted after this operation is executed.
While doing an add, delete, or replace WWN from Web Tools zoning, in confirm
window, if you select different single entries twice or more, the Select All button
may stop functioning. This can be seen on both Java Plug-ins 1.2.2 and 1.3.1, but
is fixed in Java Plug-in 1.4.x.
Workaround: Click "deselect all" and then click "select all" again.
If the user changes the Switch Name and Domain ID using the CLI after the Web
Tools Switch Admin has started, the new Switch Name and Domain ID will not be
updated on the header of Switch Admin. Clicking Refresh will not fix the
Workaround: Activate the Switch Information tab and the Switch Admin header
will update.
SAN switch 2/32, version 4.0.2b release notes
Known Issues