AYE Smart Tracker Manual del usuario - Página 3

Navegue en línea o descargue pdf Manual del usuario para Ver AYE Smart Tracker. AYE Smart Tracker 8 páginas. Advanced smart tracking device

Once registration is done, kindly head to settings. The information in the settings are of vital
importance which makes this app a stable and viable tool.
SOS number – Kindly fill 3 different phone numbers so that in case of SOS call, 3 different people
could be intimated in case one person is unable to pick up.
Monitoring – The primary phone number of the app user should be fed here.
Work Mode – In the work mode, kindly keep it on Normal Mode. This mode lets you know about the
frequency of tracking. Normal Mode's frequency and battery usage is optimum for daily usage.
DO Not Disturb – The time can be set in the app, when you do not want your ward to be disturbed
by any call. There are 3 different time limits given so that there is freedom to pick times according
to you.
SMS Alerts Setting – Battery Low Notifier, SOS Reminder and Watch Removal Alarms are to be
pushed towards left until it shows the GREEN colour.
Contacts – 10 numbers could be fed into the contacts. These are the only numbers which can call
the watch and vice versa. As this is an app facility, it makes it easier for app users to keep a rigid
check on the privacy options of the child.
Telephone – Phone Book in the watch can be fed from the app. You can put the names and their
phone numbers which will be mirrored in the watch. A child can short press the call button 2 to get
into phonebook and then long press the call button 2 to call the selected/highlighted number.
Language and Time Zone – Language option can be selected and the time can be selected from this
tab. INDIA – EAST GMT +5:30
LBS – Location Based System needs to be on i.e. in the green. This will help the watch to give signals
even when GPS signal might get hampered.
Remote Shutdown – The watch can only be shut down through the app. Irrespective of any number
of repeated attempts to shut down the watch, this is the only way.
Let's take you to certain sections of the Aye.life app.
This function helps a child to record their voice messages and send across to you. In case the child
tries to shut down the watch, the chat function will record his/her surroundings and send it to you.
All the recorded messages will be available on this tab. You can also send chats like in a simple chat
function to the watch.
In case you want to send a voice message, the same tab needs to be used. Press Start Record and once
the message is complete you can press the STOP RECORD. This message will reach the watch and the
child can here it by pressing the SOS button.
By pressing Footprint tab, you will be able to get information on Historical Route. Historical route
data is available in your app for the maximum of last 90 days. This data will show the different
location points; the watch wearer has been to.