DKW RT 200 Manual de servicio - Página 8

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also be done without the online supporL
See i llust rat ion
table 19
The neutral Position indiator
shaft tan then be ramved withcut difficulty
from the
case (generator side) arxi with a mbber mallet the ohaft goar tan be driven out of
the ball beatitq Saat.
If the ball bearings also haw to be Mmved, the case mst be heated and the bearings
driven oti with the punih No. Ct'lDD2jZ-O.
8hen reassembling ,the eng&
do nd mit to hont the bearing seats to about EO - So C ( 180 - 135 deg. F) before
tha ball bear;ys. Fix th3 oil seal so that the lip poitrts in dimction of
the clutch. As far the oil seal 1s Rtt nrbbacovered,
sealirq compound should be applied
to the cirwnference of the &al
seal holder. Remove any nmins of the sealiq
pound which may nnain on the bearing se&s beforp fixing the ball bearings .
See illustration
table 2U
To avoid darnage of ths oil seal lip whan fixing the
plam guide sleeve OlOD245-
0 on tie shaft end ( clutch sida ). If the cnnkshaf? is wt to be prassod into the caso
bi a special Pro,
thrn use only Nbber Qallet or a piea of ha&ood and do not foqet
the wunter weight support OlOD84~. Having fixed the gears arvl shift rochanism, briy
gean tiith aid of foot levar into second Speed position and check I follows:
As shoin in ill.
15 the jaws of ths shift piea should be in oqual distance fror the
shift bracket edges ad the points of the jaws must awer half the brpadth of the shift
bracket. Should the coverage not be con&
the support angle nust be carefully
adfusted. If the distana on both sides is not 0~~1, then the ends of the retum spriq
ust be slightly
bent with the aid of a tubular punch. NN Maate the gear ohaffs and
mum that all Parts wo& smothly.
Before fixing the right half of the case apply a good ssalitq anpound to the joint
surfaces. All bolts aust be tqually tightcned with a weil-fitting
not ~rnove countenveight support u>til this work has bwn cunpleted.
See illustration
table 21
Fi?ally control the ton-rod alignnerrt with aid of gauJe No. OlKl213, ruler No. O'lDO'l56
and one aligfling md No. OlDD2l3. We also refer to the illustratiorr;
in ourSpecia1
Tools Booklet No. 77, when the handling of thase tools is describad. Should the
replacement of the ton-rud bush appear necessary, use bush extractor No. 0969 and
,IPWI the nee bush with rearing tool Yo. Oloo119-Q.
The adjustable FBuRer is - YB should like to point out - the same as usod for the
DM oIr engine. The mamer is availabls under No. OlDDlO9-3.
Gudgeon pin clearance should be 0,02 to O,O3 nm. Wen rpving the gudgeon pin tan
be used rs gauga.
For insertin
the gudgeon pin into the Piston rhich has been proviously heated to
SO'C ( 125 deg r), use the guide md No. 010024901 and for prassing the pin bi hand
into its final position use guide pin No. OlOO249=0, which autanatically
~WIU~ the
corract location of the gudgeon pin in the Piston. Piston cleannce: 0,05 m .