EG&G ORTEC 474 Manual de funcionamiento y servicio - Página 8
Navegue en línea o descargue pdf Manual de funcionamiento y servicio para Amplificador EG&G ORTEC 474. EG&G ORTEC 474 13 páginas. Tinning filter amplifier
There are no typical control settings that can be sug
gested for operation, since each application of the 474
will require a different combination of functions. After
the system has been installed, use an oscilloscope to
observe the waveforms at the input and output of the 474
and adjust its controls to optimize its operation, con
sidering the functions that are required of it.
Generally speaking, the Integrate time constant can be
selected so that the risetime of the output pulses is nor
malized at a rate that is slower than the risetimes of the
input pulses. This function is of greatest value when the
pulses originate in a large detector so that they generate
a wide variety of risetimes and are difficult to observe for
timing measurements. The Differentiate time constant is
also selectable and determines the total interval before
the pulse returns to the baseline and allows a new pulse to
be observed. The combination of integration and differ
entiation time constants also contributes to the amount of
electronic noise that is seen in the system, so the resulting
waveforms should be considered from each of these
points of view and adjusted for optimum results.
When the shaping time constants impose considerable
changes in the input waveform, the nominal gain, which
is the product of the Coarse and Fine control settings,
may be degraded somewhat. This is not normally a pro
blem, since the gain is constant even though it may be less
than the nominal settings indicate.
The circuit of the ORTEC 474 Timing Filter Amplifier is
shown in schematic 474-0201-S1, included at the back of
this manual.
The front panel toggle switch, SI, selects a resistance
network for Invert or a circuit through Q.1 and Q2 for Non-
invert for pulses of either polarity, and the pulses are then
furnished into the differentiation network at 82. If 82 is
set at Out, the input pulse is coupled through R34 to the
input of A1. The pole-zero adjustment, R30, does not pro
vide any effect for the Out setting of 82. If 82 is set at any
of its other five positions, the input pulse is coupled
through a capacitor that is in parallel with a portion of the
signal, furnished through the pole-zero circuit, and pro
vided to the input of A1.
Amplifier A1 is an ORTEC Hybrid circuit, type HBA0106,
that includes Coarse Gain control 83. The amplified out
put at pin 5 of At is furnished to the integration network
at the input to A2, which is another type HBA0106 ORTEC
Hybrid circuit.
Amplifier A2 has a gain that is adjusted by Fine Gain con
trol R64. The output of A2 is furnished to the base of 09,
which is the input of the output voltage amplifier. The out
put voltage amplifier, consisting of transistors 09 through
Q20 and associated resistors and capacitors, has a volt
age gain of approximately 5. A complementary Darlington
output stage is used to provide good bipoiar drive capa
bility. Potentiometer R100 is a factory-adjusted balance
control for the two halves of the complementary Darling
ton output stage.
Integrated circuit 101 senses the output at CN2 and acts
in the dc feedback loop to force the output to zero. IC1 is
connected as an integrator, with a time constant of ap
proximately 150 IJ.S (corresponding to about 1 kHz).
The NIM power connector includes circuits that accept
±12 V and ±24 V. These input power levels are filtered and
are used internally in the circuits of the 474. The four
leveis are also furnished through the rear panel Preampli
fier Power connector, CN4, and can be used as the power
source for an associated ORTEC preamplifier.
The ORTEC 474 should require no regular maintenance
other than replacement of components that have failed
due to age. Always ensure that the replacement compo
nents are equivalent to the original parts, designated in
schematic 474-0201-81. No internal trimming or adjust
ment is necessary for the 474.
To aid in the identification of a malfunctioning compo
nent, typical dc voltages are listed in Table 6.1. Note that
these are typical values, and may vary from one unit to
another without indicating a fault.
This instrument can be returned to the ORTEC factory
for service and repair at a nominal cost. The ORTEC
standard procedure for repair ensures the same quaiity
control and checkout that are used for a new instrument.
Always contact Customer 8ervices at ORTEC, (615) 482-
4411, before sending in an instrument for repair to obtain
shipping instructions and so that the required Return
Authorization Number can be assigned to the unit. This
number should be written on the address label and on the
package to ensure prompt attention when it reaches the