Durite 0-441-15 Manuel de démarrage rapide

Parcourez en ligne ou téléchargez le pdf Manuel de démarrage rapide pour {nom_de_la_catégorie} Durite 0-441-15. Durite 0-441-15 2 pages. Led high intensity warning light

LED High Intensity Warning Light
Before using this unit please read these instructions carefully. Ta k e special care to follow the warnings a nd
safety s uggestions listed be lo w. Ke e p these instructions for future reference.
1. Proper installation o f this product requires the installer t o ha ve a go od understa nd ing o f auto mo t ive electronics, sys-
te ms a nd proce d ure s.
2. If mo unting this product requires drilling holes, the installer M U S T be sure that no vehicle co mp o ne nts o r other vital
parts co uld be d a ma ged b y t he drilling process. C he c k both sides of the mo unt ing s urface before drilling begins. Also
de-b urr the ho les a nd r e mo v e a n y meta l s ha rds or re mna nts.
3. D o not install this prod uct or route any w ires in the deplo yme nt a re a of yo ur air bag. Eq uip me nt mo u nt e d or located
in the air b a g d ep lo y me nt area will d a ma ge or red uce the effectiveness o f the air ba g, or b e c o me a projectile that could
cause serious perso na l inj ury or death. Re fe r to yo ur vehicle ow ne r's ma nua l for the air ba g dep lo y me nt area . The
User/Installer ass u mes full responsibility t o determine proper mo unt in g location, base d o n providing ult imate safety to
all passenge rs inside the vehicle.
4. D o not attempt to activate or control this device in a hazardous driving situation.
5. This product contains either strobe light(s), halo gen light(s), high-intensity L E D s or a comb ination of these lights. D o
not stare directly into t hese lights. Mo me nta r y b lind ness and/o r e ye d a ma ge could result.
6. U s e only soap and water to clean the outer lens. U s e of other chemicals could result in pre mat ure lens cracking (craz-
ing) a nd discoloration. Le nses in this condition ha ve significantly red uce d effectiveness. Inspect and operate this product
regularly to confirm its pro per operation a n d mo u ntin g condition. D o no t use a pressure was he r to clean this product.
7. It is re c o mme nd e d t ha t these instructions b e stored in a safe place a nd referred to w he n perfo rmi ng ma i nt e na nce
and/or reinstallation o f this product.
8. For this product to operate at optimu m e fficienc y, a goo d electrical connection t o chassis gro und mu s t be ma d e. T he
reco mme nded proced ure requires the product gro und w ire to be connected directly to the N EG A T IV E (-) battery post.
1. Place the unit against the mo u ntin g surface.
2. M a rk the areas w he re t he mo unt in g holes are to be drilled. C o nfir m that no vehicle parts could be d a ma ge d b y the
drilling process.
3. Using a bit size for a no. 304 metal screw, drill tw o mo unting holes, a 0.5" diameter. W ire passage hole(s) must also
be drilled. Thouro ughly de-burr all hole(s).
4. Pass the wires t hro ugh t he hole(s) in the gasket a nd thro ugh t he w ire p assage hole(s) in the mo unt in g surfa ce. Fix the
light hea d to the mo unt i n g surface.
Part 0-441-15
Before using this unit please read these instructions carefully. Ta k e special care to follow the warnings a nd
safety s uggestions listed be lo w. Ke e p these instructions for future reference.
1. Proper installation o f this product requires the installer t o ha ve a go od understa nd ing o f auto mo t ive electronics, sys-
t e ms a nd proce d ure s.
2. If mo unt ing this product requires drilling holes, the installer M U S T be sure that no vehicle co mpo ne nts o r other vital
parts co uld be d a ma ged b y t he drilling process. C he c k both sides of the mo unt ing s urface before drilling begins. Also
de-b urr t he ho les a nd r e mo v e a n y meta l s ha rds or re mna nt s.
3. D o not install this prod uct or route any w ires in the deplo yme nt a re a of yo ur air bag. Eq uip me nt mo u nt e d or located
in the air b a g d ep lo y me nt area will d a ma ge or red uce the effectiveness o f the air ba g, or b e c o me a projectile that could
cause serious perso na l inj ury or death. Re fe r to yo ur vehicle ow ne r's ma nua l for the air ba g dep lo y me nt area . The
User/Installer ass u mes full responsibility t o determine proper mo unt i n g location, base d o n providing ult imate safety to
all passenge rs inside the vehicle.
4. D o not attempt to activate or control this device in a hazardous driving situation.
5. This product contains either strobe light(s), halo gen light(s), high-intensity L E D s or a comb ination of these lights. D o
not stare directly into t hese lights. Mo me nt a r y b lind ness a nd/o r e ye d a ma ge could result.
6. U s e only soap and water to clean the outer lens. U s e of other chemicals could result in pre mat ure lens cracking (craz-
ing) a nd discoloration. Le nses in this conditio n ha ve significantly reduced effectiveness. Inspect and operate this product
regularly to confirm its pro per operation a n d mo u nt in g condit ion. D o no t use a pressure washer to clean this product.
7. It is re c o m me nd e d tha t these instructions b e stored in a safe place a nd referred to w he n perfo rmi ng ma i nt e na nce
and/or reinstallation o f this product.
8. For this product to operate at opt i mu m e fficienc y, a goo d electrical connection t o chassis gro und mu s t be ma d e. T he
reco mme nded proced ure requires the product gro und w ire to be connected directly to the N EG A T IV E (-) battery post.
1. Place the unit against the mo u nt i n g surface.
2. M a rk the areas w he re t he mo unt in g holes are to be drilled. C o nfir m that no vehicle parts could be d a ma ge d b y the
drilling process.
3. Using a bit size for a no. 304 metal screw, drill t w o mo unt ing holes, a 0.5" diameter. W ire passage hole(s) must also
be drilled. Thouro ughly de-burr all hole(s).
4. Pass the wires t hro ugh t he hole(s) in the gasket a nd t hro ugh t he w ire p assage hole(s) in the mo unt in g surfa ce. Fix the
light hea d to the mo unt i n g surface.
LED High Intensity Warning Light
Part 0-441-15