Penberthy WIrE glass/PlasTIc ProTEcTor
InstallatIon, operatIon and maIntenance InstructIons
4.2 assembly of wire glass/plastic protector
to gagecock assembly
1. Hold wire glass/plastic protector up to
gagecock assembly with the front of the
protector facing away from the vessel.
2. Place a U-bolt around the glass protector
nut of the upper gagecock and through the
corresponding holes in the upper bracket of
the wire glass/plastic protector and thread
on thumb nuts finger tight. repeat this
procedure on the lower end of the gagecock.
refer to Figures 1 and 2.
note: if gagecocks are not furnished with wire
glass/plastic protector nuts, the U-bolts should
be placed around the body of the gagecocks.
5 OPeratIOn
5.1 Pre-operational check
1. Ensure that all installation procedures have
been completed.
2. Ensure that the wire glass/plastic protector
gives the proper protection over the entire
length of the tubular glass of the gagecock
5.2 Operating
gages should be brought into service slowly.
The glass used in Penberthy gages is tempered
and can stand minimal thermal shock and
mechanical stress.
To avoid excessive thermal shock and
mechanical stress on the glass, the connecting
gagecocks should be opened slightly, and the
gage temperature and pressure allowed to
equalize slowly with the vessel.
FIgUrE 1
If the gagecocks are equipped with ball checks,
the gagecocks must be opened all the way after
pressure and temperature have equalized to
permit operation of the automatic ball check
in the event of gage failure.
6 MaIntenanCe
Maintenance should only be undertaken by
qualified, experienced personnel who are
familiar with this equipment and have read and
understood all the instructions in this manual.
Do not proceed with any maintenance unless
the gagecock assembly has been relieved of all
pressure or vacuum, has been allowed to reach
ambient temperature and has been drained
or purged of all fluids. Failure to follow these
instructions may result in physical injury or
property damage.
6.1 Preventative maintenance
The user must determine an appropriate
maintenance schedule necessary for his or her
specific application upon evaluation of their own
operating experience. realistic maintenance
schedules can only be determined with full
knowledge of the services and application
situations involved.
6.2 Maintenance procedures
clean glass/plastic with a commercial glass
cleaner and a soft grit free cloth. Do NoT use
a wire brush, metal scraper or any other device
which could scratch the glass/plastic.
FIgUrE 2