Gamry Reference 3000 Manuel de démarrage rapide - Page 16
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Reference 3000
Potentiostat/Galvanostat/ZRA Quick-Start Guide
Reference Information
Procedure for Experiments
The procedure for running any experiment is:
Connect the cell cable leads to the appropriate electrodes on
the electrochemical cell. Refer to the table on this page or the
Gamry mouse pad for the color coding of the leads.
Select the script you want to run.
To use a standard Gamry script, select it from the application
submenus, such as DC Corrosion or Electrochemical
Impedance, accessible from the Experiment menu.
To use a custom script, select it from the "Scripts" folder
(Experiment > Named Scripts). This folder contains all scripts
(standard and custom), as well as global scripts used by other
Name the .dta output file that will contain the experiment data
generated by the test. This ASCII text file will be created in "My
Gamry Data" (or the new destination you specify using the
Options menu).
Specify parameter values. When the window used to run a
script opens, the parameter values most recently used for this
script will be displayed. At this point you have several choices.
You can edit the parameter values. You can save the new
values to a ".set" file for future use by clicking on Save.
When assigning a name to the saved parameter values, it
is a good idea to include the name of the script or
experiment in the file name.
You can use values stored in an existing .set file by
clicking on Restore. A window will open that contains all
the .set files for all experiment types. Pick a file of values
for this type of experiment.
You can use the Gamry default values for this script by
clicking on Default.
Start the experiment and activate the potentiostat by
clicking on OK in the experiment window. Depending on the
script you selected, one or more messages may be displayed
containing advice for running the experiment.
If any messages are displayed, follow the advice, and then
acknowledge the messages by clicking on OK.
While the experiment is running, plotted data will be displayed.
Messages in the status bar allow you to monitor progress of the
You can cancel the experiment by clicking on F1-Abort (no test
data stored), skip the current stage of the experiment by clicking
on F2-Skip, or temporarily halt the experiment by clicking on
At the conclusion of the experiment, an "Experiment Done"
message is displayed. The message contains instructions for
closing the window used to start the test.
Press the F2 (Skip) button.
The Reference 3000 is a floating ground instrument. Its cell cable
contains only a floating ground lead (black clip). There is a
grounding lug on the rear of the Reference 3000 to earth ground the
instrument. If you are working mostly with non-grounded samples,
you should connect earth ground to this lug.
When using a Faraday Cage, connect the cell ground lead to the
cage to achieve the lowest noise. However, disconnect earth
ground from the instrument ground lug if the experiment setup
is earth grounded. For example, if the Faraday Cage, electrolyte
circulation pump, or a metal vessel for the cell is grounded, do not
connect earth ground to the grounding lug.
Gamry File Types
The types of files generated or used by Gamry software are
described below.
General Instructions for Connecting Leads
The leads on Gamry cell cables are color-coded for easy installation.
The meanings of the colors are below. Color codes are also on the
Gamry mouse pad shipped with the potentiostat.
blue and green leads – If you have used other manufacturers'
potentiostats and cell cables, you may be puzzled by Gamry's use of
two leads for working electrodes. The two working electrode leads
make it possible to devise a greater variety of experiments.
However, to do a standard three-electrode potentiostatic experiment,
connect both the green and blue clips to the working electrode (or
clip the green to the blue, and then clip the blue to the electrode).
orange lead – The orange lead is used only in ZRA (zero resistance
ammeter) experiments.
Gamry™, Series G 300™, Series G 750™, Reference 600™, Reference 3000™,
PCI4/300™, PCI4/750™, PC4™, PC3™, FAS2™, FAS1™, Gamry Framework™, and
Echem Analyst™ are trademarks of Gamry Instruments, Inc.
, Windows
Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Copyright 2008 Gamry Instruments, Inc. No part of this document may be copied or
reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of Gamry Instruments, Inc.
Gamry Instruments, Inc. © 2008
What It Stores
experiment script written in Gamry Explain™
experiment control language; in "Scripts" folder
accessed via Framework Experiment menu
experiment results; in "My Gamry Data" folder
experiment results that have been manipulated in
Echem Analyst; in "My Gamry Data" folder
calibration results; in "My Gamry Data" folder; file
name is "calibration results <SN>.txt", where
<SN> is the serial number of the Reference 3000
experiment parameter values; in "Sets" folder
under software installation location
working sense
counter sense
floating ground
, and Microsoft Internet Explorer
are registered trademarks of