Janam XP series Manuel de démarrage rapide - Page 11

Parcourez en ligne ou téléchargez le pdf Manuel de démarrage rapide pour {nom_de_la_catégorie} Janam XP series. Janam XP series 14 pages. Four-slot cradle kit
Également pour Janam XP series : Manuel de démarrage rapide (8 pages), Manuel de démarrage rapide (14 pages)

Janam XP series Manuel de démarrage rapide
However, t here is no guarant ee t hat int erference will not occur in a part icular inst allat ion. I f t his equipm ent does
cause harm ful int erference t o radio or t elevision recept ion, which can be det erm ined by t urning t he equipm ent off
and on, t he user is encouraged t o t ry t o correct t he int erference by one or m ore of t he following m easures:
Reorient or relocat e t he receiving ant enna.
I ncrease t he separat ion bet ween t he equipm ent and receiver.
Connect t he equipm ent int o an out let on a circuit different from t hat t o which t he receiver is connect ed.
Consult t he dealer or an experienced radio/ TV t ec hnician for help.
I f necessary, t he user should consult t he dealer or an experienced radio/ t elevision t echnician for addit ional
suggest ions. The user m ay fi nd t he following booklet helpful: " Som et hing about I nt erference." This is available
at FCC local regional offi ces. Our com pany is not responsible for any radio or t elevision int erference caused by
unaut horized m odifi cat ions of t his equipm ent or t he subst it ut ion or at t achm ent of connect ive cables and equipm ent
ot her t han t hose specifi ed by our com pany. The correct ion is t he responsibilit y of t he user. Use only shielded dat a
cables wit h t his syst em .
This device and it s ant enna m ust not be co- locat ed or operat ing in conj unct ion wit h any ot her ant enna or
t ransm it t er. To m aint ain com pliance wit h t he FCC RF exposure guidelines for body- worn operat ion, do not use
accessories t hat cont ain m et allic com ponent s ot her t han specifi ed by t he m anufact urer.
Th is Cla ss B digit a l a ppa r a t u s com plie s w it h t h e Ca n a dia n I CES- 0 0 3 .
Cet appareil num erique de la Class B est conform e a la norm NMB- 003 du Canada.
Operat ion is subj ect t o t he following t wo condit ions: ( 1) t his device m ay not cause int erference, and ( 2) t his device
m ust accept any int erference, including int erference t hat m ay cause undesired operat ion of t he device.
L'ut ilisat ion de ce disposit if est aut orisée seulem ent aux deux condit ions suivant es : ( 1) il ne doit pas produire de
brouillage, et ( 2) l'ut ilisat eur du disposit if doit êt re prêt à accept er t out brouillage radioélect rique reçu, m êm e si ce
brouillage est suscept ible de com prom et t re le fonct ionnem ent du disposit if.
To prevent radio interference to the licensed service, this device is intended to be operated indoors and away from windows
to provide m axim um shielding. Equipm ent (or its transm it antenna) that is installed outdoors is subject to licensing.
Pa ge 1 0
Ja n a m Te ch n ologie s LLC