Gardena 1187 Manuel d'utilisation - Page 3

Parcourez en ligne ou téléchargez le pdf Manuel d'utilisation pour {nom_de_la_catégorie} Gardena 1187. Gardena 1187 7 pages. Soil moisture sensor

GARDENA Soil Moisture Sensor
1. Notes on these Operating Instructions
Please read these operating in-
For safety reasons, chil-
structions carefully and observe
dren and young people
the notes given. Use these oper-
under 16 as well as anyone
ating instructions to familiarise
who is not familiar with these
yourself with the Soil Moisture
operating instructions may not
Sensor, the unit's features and
use the Soil Moisture Sensor.
proper use as well as with the
notes on safety.
2. Proper Use
The GARDENA Soil Moisture
The Soil Moisture Sensor
Sensor is intended for private use
must not be used for in-
in domestic and hobby gardens,
dustrial purposes or in con-
exclusively for outdoor use, to
junction with chemicals, food-
control sprinklers and watering
stuffs, easily flammable and
systems by means of water
explosive materials.
taking the soil
Compliance with the operating
moisture into account.
instructions provided by the
3. Operating Parts
(Fig. A)
Connection cable
Control knob
Cable socket
positions 1 and 2
Control knob with scale
Lid with low-pressure
4. How the Soil Moisture Sensor Works
The GARDENA Soil moisture
If the required soil moisture level
sensor takes the soil moisture
is not reached, watering is al-
into account during controlled
lowed to proceed at the next
programmed starting time. If the
pre-set moisture level is reached
4.1 Control knob
during the watering program,
Set to Position 1
the watering program is stopped.
The Soil Moisture Sensor mea-
Note : The Soil Moisture Sensor
sures the amount of moisture in
can also re-activate watering
the soil and closes the valve of
during a programmed watering
the respective water computer
time when it is dry in conjunction
if the soil moisture reaches the
with the solenoid valve boxes
set soil moisture level.
of the water controller 6030.
1) Water Computer 1030 and 1060, Water Timer Electronic T 14 and T 1030, Water Computer Plus C 1030 and Profi C 1060,
GARDENA Solenoid Valve Boxes, GARDENA Automatic Valves, GARDENA Pump Relay, and GARDENA Flower Box
Watering Set
The Soil Moisture Sensor must
only be used to control the
components recommended
by the manufacturer.
Keep these operating instruc-
tions in a safe place.
manufacturer is a prerequisite
to ensure proper use of the
GARDENA Soil Moisture Sensor.
The operating instructions also
contain operating, servicing and
maintenance conditions.
Water container with
inspection window
Ceramic sensor
Holder for GARDENA micro-
drip system endline drip head
4.2 Control knob
Set to Position 2
If the Soil Moisture Sensor is used
together with GARDENA flower
box watering and if automatic
program 14 is selected, watering
is switched on and off automati-
cally according to the soil mois-
ture level.
Note : The automatic on / off
function is only possible with
GARDENA flower box watering
and by selecting watering pro-
gram 14.
5. Putting into Operation
5.1 Choosing the Installation
2. Before pushing the GARDENA
Soil Moisture Sensor into the
The Soil Moisture Sensor must
ground, fill the water container
be positioned in the area which is
with water. To do this, un-
watered with the same climatic
screw the lid with the low-
conditions (sun, wind, rain etc.)
pressure controller
as the plants. The Soil Moisture
fill the water container
Sensor must not be covered
clean water to where the
by neighbouring plants. Avoid
thread begins.
shaded areas. To prevent the
3. Replace the lid
moisture sensor reacting incor-
rectly due to water logging, it
tight until the stop.
must not be placed in dips in
the ground.
Note : When closing the Soil
When using the GARDENA
Moisture Sensor, ensure that
micro-drip system, a 4.6 mm
the thread and sealing ring
(3 /16 ") supply pipe with drip
are free from particles of dirt.
head must be installed on the
4. Push the Soil Moisture Sensor,
driphead holder
of the soil
filled with water approx. 10 cm
moisture sensor. The water from
into the ground (Fig. C). Push
this drip head is measured by
the soil down around the Soil
the ceramic sensor
Moisture Sensor and water
(the ceramic tip must not be
5.2 Setting-up and Filling
exposed to the air after in-
the Sensor
Note : To prevent the Soil Mois-
ture Sensor reacting incorrectly
5. Connect the soil moisture
after installation, it should only be
sensor to the GARDENA water
installed in dry weather and when
controller with the supplied
the soil is dry.
1. After you have chosen a suit-
Important : The cable must be
able position, you must prepare
laid such that it cannot be dam-
the soil ready to install the
aged or tripped over. When laying
Soil Moisture Sensor. Loosen
the cable underground, we rec-
an area of soil approx. 10 cm
ommend using a bed of sand.
across and 10 cm deep.
Warning : The Soil Moisture
Remove any stones to prevent
Sensor must be fixed firmly in the
damaging or breaking the
ground. Therefore, after plugging
sensitive ceramic sensor
the cable into the water controller
and setting the moisture level
(see point 5.3), firmly press down
the soil again around the Soil
Moisture Sensor.
5.3 Setting the
Soil Moisture Sensor
The amount of water plants con-
sume depends on many factors:
the amount of water the plant
requires, the type of soil, amount
of sunshine, wind and many other
on the water
To find a suitable switching point
and slowly screw
(= suitable moisture level to sup-
ply your plants with the optimum
amount of water) you must ob-
serve the Soil Moisture Sensor
over a certain period of time
(1 - 2 weeks) and if necessary,
adjust the settings.
Setting the Watering Time
The watering time can be set us-
ing a control knob
can be adjusted using
a screw driver or coin as follows:
Turn the knob towards the minus
sign (–) to reduce the moisture
level and watering time. Turn the
knob towards the plus sign (+)
to increase the moisture level
and watering time.
Setting the Type of Watering
Position 1
Set the control knob
top of the unit to position 1 when
using the Soil Moisture Sensor to-
gether with one of the GARDENA
water computers or programs
1 - 13 of the GARDENA flower box
watering set.
Position 2
Set the control knob
tion 2 when using the Soil Mois-
ture Sensor together with the
GARDENA flower box watering
set and when selecting automatic
program 14.
. The control
on the
to posi-