Table 3
Limitations with Advanced Web Tools
Launch switch environment
Firmware: Fabric OS 3.1+ or 4.1+
Operating System: any
supported OS with a supported
Browser: any supported browser
on a supported OS
Firmware: Fabric OS 2.6.x
Operating System: Solaris
Browser: Mozilla
Firmware: version earlier than Fabric
OS 2.6.2, 3.1.2, or 4.2.0 with
secure mode enabled
Operating System: Solaris
Browser: Mozilla
Advanced Web Tools updates
Issue: When viewing the topology from Web Tools, if your
initial login was a v3.1+ or v4.1+ switch and you view the
topology from a switch with previous version of Fabric OS,
there is no print function available in the Fabric Topology
Web Tools 3.1.0+ and 4.1.0+ include a Print button
in the Fabric Topology window; earlier versions do
Workaround: If the Fabric Topology window does
not display a Print button, you can right-click
anywhere inside the window and select Print from
the popup menu.
Issue: The Switch Admin does not launch correctly.
If you try to launch the Switch Admin using Fabric OS
2.6.2 on a Solaris operating system with a Mozilla
browser, a warning dialog box is displayed, telling
you to use the Netscape browser.
If you try to launch the Switch Admin using Fabric OS
2.6.1 or earlier on a Solaris operating system with a
Mozilla browser, the Switch Admin fails and no
warning is displayed.
Workaround: Although the Netscape browser is not
supported by Web Tools for switches running Fabric
OS 2.6.2, 3.1.2, 4.2.0, or later, if you must access
the Switch Admin on a switch running Fabric OS
2.6.x from a Solaris OS, use the Netscape 4.7.7
Issue: If you try to launch the Switch Admin, Zoning, Fabric
Watch, or High Availability Admin using firmware versions
earlier than 2.6.2, 3.1.2, or 4.2.0 on a Solaris OS with a
Mozilla browser, the browser might crash due to a buffer
overflow problem with Mozilla.
Workaround: Although the Netscape browser is not
supported by Web Tools for switches running Fabric
OS 2.6.2, 3.1.2, 4.2.0, or later, if you must access
the Switch Admin, Zoning, Fabric Watch, or High
Availability Admin on a switch running firmware
versions earlier than 2.6.2, 3.1.2, or 4.2.0 from a
Solaris OS, use the Netscape 4.7.7 browser.