Accuphase P-7100 Manuel d'instruction - Page 5

Parcourez en ligne ou téléchargez le pdf Manuel d'instruction pour {nom_de_la_catégorie} Accuphase P-7100. Accuphase P-7100 18 pages. Stereo power amplifier

I Installation location
T h e P - 7 1 0 0 e m p l o y s n a t u r a l a i r c o o l i n g . T h e r i g h t a n d l e f t
heat sinks and the too oanel will feel hot to the touch dur-
ing operation. This is normal and does not pose a problem
r e g a r d i n g r e l i a b i l i t y a n d p e r f o r m a n c e . H o w e v e r , w h e n
c h o o s i n g a n i n s t a l l a t i o n l o c a t i o n , y o u s h o u l d a l w a y s o b -
serve the following precautions.
. N4ake sure to provide for proper air circulation, and avoid
l o c a t i o n s w i t h h i g h l e v e l s o f d u s t o r h u m i d i t y .
o Avoid locations subject to direct sunlight.
o Avold locations close to heating appliances.
o Choose a level, stable surface that is not subiect to vi-
Never stack the unit directlv on top of a power ampli-
fier or other audio comoonent.
turn the power to all components off be-
f o r e c o n n e c t i n g o r d i s c o n n e c t i n g a n y s p e a k e r
cables or inpuVoutput cables.
o When inserting or removing RCA{ype phono plugs, the
two poles do not make or break contact simultaneously,
This momentarily non-grounded condition causes a cur-
r e n t s u r g e ( h e a r d a s a l o u d p o p n o i s e ) , w h i c h c a n s e r i -
ously damage the speakers.
o lf speaker cable is not connected properly, it may come
into contact with the chassis or with input or output con-
nectors. This can cause oop noise and damaqe the am-
p l i f i e r .
power cord connection
Since the P-7100 is rated for high power consumption, plug
the power cord of the unit directly into a wall outlet with a
sufficlent power capacity rating.
I T u r n
t h e v o l u m e a t t h e p r e a m p l i f i e r o r s i m i l a r
down before setting the power switch to OFF.
the power cord plug when not using
the unit for an extended time.
not turn the power switch OFF and then im-
mediately ON again. Wait at least 10 seconds, oth-
erwise noise or other problems may occur.
not use contact refreshers or other chemicals
o n t h e i n p u t a n d o u t p u t j a c k s , s i n c e t h e s e c a n
cause aging in resin parts and lead to damage.
o Before performing maintenance, disconnect the power
cord from the AC outlet.
o lf required, clean the unit carefully with a soft, slightly
moistened cloth, and then wipe it dry. Never use sol-
vents or abrasive cleaning agents, since these will dam-
age the finish.
Usage Precautions
some cases, when internal protection circuitry
has been triggered, the output will be shut off and
the meter illumination flashes as a warning indi-
O Thermal protection
lf due to installation conditions or other reasons the heat
sink temperature exceeds a certain threshold level, the
output is automatically
cut off and the meter illumination
flashes as a warning indication.
ln such a case, turn power to the P-7100 off and wait until
the heat sinks have fully cooled down (several hours).
Then turn power on again. This will reset the protection
lf for some reason the temperature rises even further,
causing the internal temperature of the power transformer
to exceed the allowable tflreshold, the circuit breaker in-
tegrated in the power transformer will be triggered and
turn the power off automatically.
This breaker resets itself
when the temperature returns to normal levels.
€Abnormal signal protection
When an abnormal signal containing DC components is
input to the P-7100, the output is automatically cut off
and the meter illumination flashes as a warnino indica-
I t o n .
ln such a case. turn oower to the P-7100 off and remove
the cause of the problem. Then turn power on again. This
will reset the protection circuitry.